Building a CRUD FastAPI app with SQLAlchemy
Learning how to build web apps with FastAPI — a modern Python web framework that allows you to build high-performance web apps — is worth your time. FastAPI is easy to learn, fast to code, and ready for production.
In this tutorial, you ‘ll learn how to build the backend of a basic app using FastAPI with a database set up with SQLAlchemy. The app will be a CRUD web app in which you’ll learn the basics of how to use API requests to do the common CRUD operations: create, read, update, and delete. You will build a todo app that’s easy to build and fun to learn. It will teach you the foundations of how to access FastAPI endpoints.
To follow along with this tutorial, you should understand:
- Some basic knowledge of Python
- What SQLAlchemy is and what an object-relational mapper (ORM) is
- (Optional) How to set up a database, especially PostgreSQL
Be sure to fork this repo to be able to use it. You can also follow along step-by-step to produce the same result.
FastAPI setup
To set up FastAPI for a basic project, you need to install two things from pip: FastAPI and Uvicorn. FastAPI is the API we will be using and that’s why we’re here. But what is Uvicorn? It’s an asynchronous server gateway interface (ASGI). In plain English, it’s a Python channel between the server and the client, and it can communicate between the two in an asynchronous way. So it fits well with FastAPI because the latter is an async framework. Thus, a Uvicorn web server can delegate workers to process FastAPI requests concurrently.
Before installing both, you need to create a virtual environment if you’re building this app locally:
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
Now, let's install the two with pip:
pip install fastapi uvicorn
Design the app
To picture what you’re going to build at the end of this tutorial, let’s see what the app will look like:
As you can see, the backend of this app consists of five endpoints.
- One POST request for the create operation
- Two GET requests for the read operation
- One PUT request for the update operation
- And one DELETE request for the delete operation
Let’s set up the database and start configuring our data.
Set up the database
If you already have a database set up, you might need to skip this section.
On Linux
To create a PostgreSQL database on Linux, make sure the PostgreSQL service is running on your machine. To do that, open your terminal and run the following:
$ sudo systemctl status postgresql
If it’s active, you’re good to go and skip the next command. If it’s not, you may want to start the service first:
$ sudo systemctl start postgresql
Once that’s done, create a new database:
$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE mydb;"
[sudo] password for :
Assuming that the username of your Postgres database engine is postgres
, a new database is created called mydb
On Mac
Similarly, if you’re using Mac OS, you might need to run the PostgreSQL service from your terminal:
$ brew services start postgresql
Next, enter the PostgreSQL client command through the terminal-based interface psql
. You can do a similar command to the one discussed in the Linux subsection or break this command down into two subcommand:
psql postgres
Now, enter the psql
CLI and then create a new database inside that interface:
Here, we’re sure there is a database called mydb
because we will use this database in the next sections. If you’d prefer, you can use your own database that you set up with your desired database engine.
With Docker
If you don’t want to run PostgreSQL directly on your machine, you could also utilize the official Docker image to the same effect. Unfortunately, configuring that setup is outside the scope of this tutorial.
Set up SQLAlchemy
One useful option for database model management in FastAPI is SQLAlchemy. I’ll use its ORM to facilitate accessing databases with writing objects that Python is familiar with. We need to install two things: SQLAlchemy
and psycopg2
, which is a driver to interact with the Postgres database from Python.
pip install sqlalchemy psycopg2-binary
Note: I have installed psycopg2-binary
instead of psycopg2
to avoid the warning of renaming the library. In that warning, there’s a recommendation to use the binary version.
Your first FastAPI
Let’s start building the app. Create a new folder:
mkdir todo_fastapi
Navigate into that folder and create a new file called
cd todo_fastapi
Open your
file and build your first app with the following few lines:
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
def home():
return {"message": "First FastAPI app"}
Open your terminal again and enter the following:
uvicorn main:app --reload
Note: The main
here points to the
script, while the app is the FastAPI instance inside the
file. We follow this uvicorn
argument with --reload
to enable reloading the server after any change happens to the app.Go to the browser and enter the following URL localhost:8000
. You should see the following expected JSON response:
{"message":"First FastAPI app"}
Automated documentation
FastAPI provides automated documentation created by Swagger UI which allows you to test your API right from the browser; you don’t need Postman to test your FastAPI endpoints anymore.
To check it out, head over to localhost:8000/docs
URL. Here’s how it looks with the home endpoint that we created in the last Python snippet:
You can try it out and test the API by clicking on the Try it out button. You’ll see no parameters needed for this endpoint as there are no arguments sent to the home() function. Click on the Execute button. You’ll get the response body as expected:
SQLAlchemy session
To be able to interact with the Postgres database using SQLAlchemy, you need to set up the session:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine import URL
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
url = URL.create(
engine = create_engine(url)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
As you can see, the url
object is defined as the string URL of the database that you should connect to. It has a postgresql
as the driver and postgres as the username. Change the password to your own. If you’re using a host other than the localhost, change it as well. The mydb
is the database that we set up and the default port is 5432
Note: You may omit the username and password fields to be default if you don’t have a specific username or password attached to your PostgreSQL. However, leaving both fields blank is not encouraged in a production environment. Just consider it for development.
The engine instance is very important. It’s the starting point of any SQLAlchemy application. We use it to instantiate a session that establishes all conversations with the database.
Model the data
An important step to deal with web apps that use data is data modeling. In our basic todo app, we need just the note/text that we want to write and whether that todo item is completed or not.
So, let’s model it that way:
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Boolean
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base
Base = declarative_base()
class Todo(Base):
__tablename__ = "todos"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
text = Column(String)
is_done = Column(Boolean, default=False)
One way to create tables using SQLAlchemy is to do a declarative mapping. You’ll map classes with specific configurations; each class should inherit from the Base
class. This Base
class is constructed from the declarative mapper, declarative_base()
Inside the Todo
class, you’ll find the definitions of each attribute and their data types.
Finally, the Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
creates all table objects. In this case, it will just create one table which is the todos table.
CRUD operations
Now, let’s see how we can link SQLAlchemy with FastAPI to build our CRUD app endpoints. First, get rid of the home
endpoint; we’ll set up new functions for each operation.
Let’s create a new todo:"/create")
async def create_todo(text: str, is_complete: bool = False):
todo = Todo(text=text, is_done=is_complete)
return {"todo added": todo.text}
Moving forward, we’ll use async
with each request to allow asynchronous calls.
This /create
endpoint establishes a POST request to the API with the create_todo()
function. This function has two arguments: text
which is a required string data type and is_complete
as an optional boolean data type with a default value of False
Notice here when an argument of a route function does not have an = sign, it’s considered a required field.
Now, the todo
object is instantiated from a Todo
class having the text and is_done
arguments. You’ll have an id
attribute automatically generated for each request as it’s set up as a primary key when we modeled the database.
Using session.add(todo)
adds that todo
object to the Postgres database. But you can’t see it in your database yet until you commit it using session.commit()
Let’s open the Swagger UI using localhost:8000/docs
on your browser and test this create operation.
Click on the Try it out button and enter the text that you want to do. See if you’ve already finished that task or not by selecting the value of is_done
field from the dropdown.
You should see a JSON response as expected returning a key-value pair of a “todo added
” with the value of the task text you entered.
Let’s set up a GET request with the following:
async def get_all_todos():
todos_query = session.query(Todo)
return todos_query.all()
Now, todos_query
is a Query object. Calling all()
method on this object allows you to do a SELECT *
operation. So, this request should query all records of the todos table. A response would look like a list of JSON responses.
Practice with the Swagger interface and test creating some todos and fetching them back with this GET request.
You want to do a bit more complicated request and get all completed tasks. So, send another GET request:
async def list_done_todos():
todos_query = session.query(Todo)
done_todos_query = todos_query.filter(Todo.is_done==True)
return done_todos_query.all()
This /done
endpoint should list all done todos. The done_todos_query
is another query object that filters all True values of the is_done
attribute. Calling the all()
method in the return statement should list all the done tasks.
You entered a todo with a typo or you want to update the status and mark it as done. You can send a PUT request to do your desired update:
async def update_todo(
id: int,
new_text: str = "",
is_complete: bool = False
todo_query = session.query(Todo).filter(
todo = todo_query.first()
if new_text:
todo.text = new_text
todo.is_done = is_complete
The new_text
is the task string that you want to update the todo to say. It’s set as an empty string by default because you might need to just update the is_done
attribute. We make a condition for that. If it’s an empty string, the todo.text
should stay the same. But if this attribute is changed, the text attribute should have the new_text
The todo_query
is the Query object representing the todo item with the associated id. This id
is passed in the path parameter inside the endpoint /update/{id}
. Calling first()
method on the todo_query
object converts it to a Table object and fetches the first record of that query. This record is the one associated with the passed id.
We then check for the new_text
to make sure it has a non-empty string. If so, the todo.text
now has that newly updated text. This means the text attribute in the todos
table will be changed for that particular id.
The todo.is_done
is then assigned to the is_complete
value passed in the argument and the change is committed to the database. The final return is the todo
response for the id passed.
In the todo app, the user may want to delete a todo item. You can implement a deletion method like so:
async def delete_todo(id: int):
todo = session.query(Todo).filter( # Todo object
return {"todo deleted": todo.text}
Like the update operation, you need a unique identifier to be able to fetch that record from the database and delete it. That’s why we pass the id argument to the path parameter /delete/{id}
. After you fetch the todo object from the database, you can delete it with session.delete(todo)
and then commit it to the database using session.commit()
At the end of the day, here is my todo list I experimented with:
What’s yours?
Restructure the app
Organizing your app helps you to refactor it easily — especially when it gets bigger. Let’s restructure this app in a modular way. To do this, we will create two simple modules instead of the all-in-one
script we used.
We will divide the SQLAlchemy models into the
module, and the main entry point of the app which contains the routes.
You can consult it in this repo. You’ll find an additional script, other than what we mentioned, called
which, as the name suggests, inserts data into the database through SQLAlchemy.
This practical tutorial covered how to build a Todo app with FastAPI. We talked about how to do basic operations like CRUD to be able to create, read, update, and delete fields from our app. We used SQLAlchemy as an ORM to communicate with the PostgreSQL database engine. We’ve also seen how FastAPI provides automated documentation through Swagger and learned how to structure your FastAPI project to be maintainable and organized.
Now, it’s your turn to put these learnings into practice! If you like content like this, browse the Mattermost library and continue your learning.
This blog post was created as part of the Mattermost Community Writing Program and is published under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. To learn more about the Mattermost Community Writing Program, check this out.