Mattermost v6.1 is now available
This new release includes a single view of recent mentions and saved posts across your teams, quick access to recently used reactions, timed do not disturb, Playbooks and Boards previews, Playbooks and Boards improved notifications and Boards calculations
Mattermost v6.1 is generally available today and includes the following new features (see changelog for more details):
- Channels improvements, including cross-team recent mentions, quick access to reactions, and custom timed Do Not Disturb
- Playbooks improvements, including full playbook preview and to-do notifications
- Boards Improvements, including new create board UI, board calculations, @mention notification, and card previews
- Polish language promoted to officially supported
Channels: Cross-team recent mentions
Recent mentions and saved posts are now shown for all your teams in a single view, providing simple access to important messages.
Learn more about mentioning teammates.
Channels: Quick access to reactions
You can also now use quick reactions to access your most recently used emoji in one click from the post menu. If desired, quick reactions can be disabled in Account Settings.
Learn more about emoji reactions.
Channels: Custom Timed ‘Do Not Disturb’
You now have the ability to set a custom timeframe for Do Not Disturb. You can specify how long notifications will be disabled. Once the Do Not Disturb window has passed, notifications will be re-enabled.
Playbooks: Previewing
In this release, you can view all the important information about a Playbook in one wiki-style page with Playbook previews, reducing channel noise and making Playbook information more accessible.
Learn more about Playbook previews.
Playbooks: To-do notifications
Easily track all of your assigned tasks and overdue status updates across all Playbook runs with notifications.
With the new notifications, Playbook participants and owners will receive daily digests containing a consolidated view of their assigned tasks and overdue status updates, keeping participants up-to-date with their tasks and helping owners inform all stakeholders about the run’s status. As your runs change throughout the day, an updated digest can be received at any time using the slash command: /playbook todo
Discover how playbook notifications can be used.
Boards: New create board UI
The add board button has moved to the top of the sidebar (+). Selecting it now shows a full-screen interface where you can create a board from a built-in or custom template, create a new template, or start with an empty board. The functionality is the same as before, but we intend to keep iterating on this experience.
Boards: Board calculations
Calculations make it easy to quickly get basic metrics on your projects without having to build complicated reports. Previously, each column in the board view showed the count of cards in that column. You can now click on that number to show additional metrics such as:
- The count of cards where particular properties are empty (useful to make sure important info isn’t missing)
- The sum of estimated developer days for features (to make sure your team isn’t overloaded), and
- The range of estimated dates (to make sure your milestones all line up)
This gives the board view the same capability as the table view.
Boards: @mention notifications
When you @mention someone in a card comment or in the card description, they will automatically receive a direct-message notification in Channels, with a link to the card. This lets you seamlessly integrate conversations across Mattermost and make sure important notes aren’t missed.
Boards: Card previews in message
Starting in this release, when you paste a link to a card in a message thread, it automatically inserts a live preview of the card. This helps conversations about a card flow more smoothly by bringing relevant information into the thread. Participants can click on the preview to open the card for more details. For example, you can use this to collaborate more broadly on a feature or issue.
These features have improved our own day-to-day use of Mattermost to build Mattermost, and there’s more to come. Please let us know what important improvements you would like to see to better fit your own workflows.
Polish language promoted to officially supported
Huge thank you to our community, particularly master7, who contributed many Polish translations.
Mattermost is now available in 20 languages, and our community is currently working on several other translations—including Vietnamese, Czech, Arabic, Hindi, Finnish, and more.
If you’re interested in translating Mattermost into a new language, we’d love your help. Please stop by and join the Mattermost localization channel to get started!
Thank you to our contributors
Thanks for all community contributions this month and, in particular, our v6.1 Most Valued Professional (MVP), Penthaa Patel, who has been actively picking up tickets related to the sqlx migration and is very prompt in addressing pull request reviews. Thank you for your contributions, Penthaa Patel!
Also, a special thanks to new contributors to the Focalboard / Boards repo. We received more than 100 contributions over Hacktoberfest. Please keep your contributions coming! An extra shout out to jufab, kamre, johennes, and kaakaa in particular for your outstanding contributions!
A9u, aaronrothschild, abhijit-singh, achie27, achromik, adithyaakrishna, Adovenmuehle, aeomin, agarciamontoro, AGMETEOR, agnivade, alauregaillard, alejandrovelez7, alieh-rymasheuski, aloks98, amyblais, anchepiece, andrewbrown00, angeloskyratzakos, anoopmsivadas, anurag6713, asaadmahmood, ashishbhate, AshishDhama, astraldawn, audreyaudz, Audrey Kon, Avinaba-Mazumdar, avinashlng1080, AWerbrouck, b4sen, banaboi, bartfelder, bbodenmiller, BenCookie95, BenLloydPearson, bensiauu, berkeka, bhaveshgoyal182, Bhavin789, Bruno-366, calebroseland, caugner, chenilim, chetanyakan, chrysillala, cinlloc, cleferman, cognvn, coltoneshaw, cpanato, cpoile, craph, crspeller, ctlaltdieliet, cwarnermm, darkLord19, DarshanKansara2015, deanwhillier, DeeJayBro, devinbinnie, dialvarezs, dimitraz, dizlv, donno2048, drobiu, Duaard, echobash, elyscape, emdecr, emilyacook, enahum, enelson720, EranKricheli, erezo9, Erik Pfeiffer, esethna, fareskalaboud, fcoiuri, firasm, furqanmlk, gabrieljackson, gagandeepp, garanews, gaurav-baghel, Gauravsaha-97, GianOrtiz, gigawhitlocks, gpt14, grsky360, gupsho, haardikdharma10, hahmadia, hanzei, Hard-Coder05, harshilsharma63, hmhealey, Hridoy-31, iamquang95, icelander, igordsm, im-endangered, iomodo, iOSGeekster, isacikgoz, jamiehurewitz, Jasmin F, jasonblais, jayaddison-collabora, JenyaFTW, jespino, jfrerich, jlram, Johennes, johnsonbrothers, joremysh, josephbaylon, joshalling, jprusch, JtheBAB, jufab, jupenur, justinegeffen, jwilander, kaakaa, kaitrin, kamre, kanitmann, KavyaJaiswal, kayazeren, koox00, korvmoij, krmh04, KuSh, larkox, leosunmo, levb, lex111, lieut-data, lindy65, lonnelars, LSantos06, lynn915, M-ZubairAhmed, maisnamrajusingh, majo, maknop, marcvelasco, marianunez, Mark E Fuller, Markus Hermann, maruTA-bis5, master7, mathiasvr, matt-w99, matthewbirtch, Matthew Williams, metanerd, mgdelacroix, michelengelen, michizhou, mickmister, mishmanners, mjnagel, mkraft, mohitsaxenaknoldus, Mshahidtaj, NakulChauhan2001, naltang, namreg, naresh1205, nathanaelhoun, neallred, NeroBurner, nevyangelova, ngmmartins, nishantwrp, noviicee, ogi-m, pablovelezvidal, pascalhein, pawankm21, penthaapatel, Phrynobatrachus, pikami, pjenicot, poflankov, prabhigupta, prakharporwal, prapti, Privatecoder, prograde, puerco, radiantly, rafaeelaudibert, Ray0Emma, rbradleyhaas, rootbid, Roy-Orbison, rutulganatra, s4kh, sadohert, sahil9001, sakaitsu, sangramrath, sanjaydemansol, sapora1, saturninoabril, Sayanta66, sbishel, seoyeongeun, shadowshot-x, shazm, shinnlok, shzmr, sibasankarnayak, spinales, spirosoik, srijit2002, ssensalo, stafot, streamer45, stylianosrigas, svelle, syauqy, Szymongib, TautZuk, teamzamong, TheLaw1337, tiago154, triogempar, tsabi, ucyang, vblz, vinod-demansol, void-hr, weblate, wiersgallak, wiggin77, Willyfrog, xMicky24GIT, yeongeun.seo, ZeeshanAmjad0495, Zeezee1210, zefhemel, zolikonta, zulmarij
Upgrade to Mattermost Release 6.1
To upgrade your existing server to the new release, go here. Review the Important Upgrade Notes to make sure you are aware of any actions you need to take before or after upgrading from your particular version. We also created this handy reference to help guide you through the process.
If you’re new to Mattermost, register for a 30-day trial of Enterprise Edition.