Mattermost v7.9 is now available
This new release includes Boards System and Team admin access and Compliance APIs.
Mattermost v7.9 is generally available today.
With this latest release, we’ve added Boards System and Team admin access and Compliance APIs. High-level access and management for all boards in a workspace helps maintain control of team collaboration, leading to a more effective and secure team environment. See the changelog for more details.
- Boards: System and Team admin access, Compliance APIs
System and Team Administrator access to boards
Access and manage any board in your workspace as a System or Team Admin! With the board URL, a System Admin can access any board across the server, and a Team Admin can access any board within their team. They no longer have to be added to the board first or request admin permissions. System and Team Admins can join any as a board admin by default, regardless of whether the board is public or private. This allows administrators to easily clean up abandoned boards or assign new board admins to existing boards.
To join a private board, the admin must have the URL of the board. If they are not an existing board member, the admin will receive a prompt to join the board. Once they join, they will be assigned the board admin role with an “Admin” or “Team admin” label next to their name to help others differentiate and identify them. For public boards, System and Team Admins can simply search and join the board via the board switcher, but instead of joining as the default team role, they will always join as board admins.
Learn more about system and team admins in Boards.
Compliance APIs for Boards
Stay compliant with your corporate policies and procedures with our new Compliance APIs for Boards. You can now get the history of your boards and blocks, including deleted items, and export any board with our Compliance APIs. These APIs are only callable by System Administrators on Enterprise Edition servers.
Learn more about our Boards APIs.
Thank you to our contributors
Thanks for all community contributions this month and, in particular, our v7.9 Most Valued Professional (MVP), Matthew Dalton, with 15 lifetime contributions to our documentation. Thank you for your continued contributions, Matthew!
11sma, aashish0909, AbhinavVihan, aeomin, Afsoon, agarciamontoro, AGMETEOR, agnivade, akaMrDC, alzee, amyblais, andrleite, AntalaFilip, anurag6713, anx-ag, aputsiak, aputtu, asaadmahmood, AshishDhama, avas27JTG, azigler, BenCookie95, BenLloydPearson, calebroseland, cedricstocke, CI-YU, coltoneshaw, ConorMacpherson, cpoile, creeper-0910, ctlaltdieliet, cwarnermm, d-wierdsma, davidboto, [email protected], devinbinnie, doc-sheet, DummyThatMatters, Eleferen, Elpunical, emdecr, enahum, fmartingr, FMP-Dev, furqanmlk, gabrieljackson, gbochora, gitstart, hanzei, harshilsharma63, hattori611, hereje, hmhealey, ichistmeinname, icq4ever, ifoukarakis, iogungbade, iot-defcon, isacikgoz, jasonblais, javaguirre, jecepeda, jfrerich, jgilliam17, johndavidlugtu, johnsonbrothers, jordanafung, josephbaylon, jprusch, JtheBAB, JulienTant, justinegeffen, jwilander, kaakaa, kayazeren, kjh0523, kayazeren, KazminM, KBeDevel, koox00, kostaspt, krisfremen, krmh04, Kshitij-Katiyar, larkox, levb, lieut-data, liz-segura98, m-ripper, M-ZubairAhmed, m1lt0n, maisnamrajusingh, majo, manojmalik20, marciohouse, marciosantos, master7, matt-w99, matthew-src, matthew-w, mdsystem, metanerd, mhd-sln, michelengelen, mickmister, microolapshare, milotype, mini-bomba, mirshahriar, MoatazMuhammad51, moussetc, munish7771, mvitale1989, mylonsuren, nathanaelhoun, neallred, neflyte, nevyangelova, nickmisasi, nikolaizah, nishit-prasad, Nityanand13, nltb99, OGreSiv, oleksandr-kucheriavyi, orsczech, OstapMelnychuk, phoinixgrr, plant99, potatogim, pvev, Rajat-Dabade, Rizumu85, Roy-Orbison, saturninoabril, satya-vinay, sbishel, Schleuse, Sharuru, shinnlok, sinansonmez, Sjazz, Sn-Kinos, Soldierplayz6867, spirosoik, sri-byte, stafot, stevemudie, streamer45, stylianosrigas, Sudhanva-Nadiger, tboulis, tiagodll, toninis, trilopin, tsabi, Udval.O, Van-cmyk, varghesejose2020, vhaarr, Wainwright0830, wiggin77, Willyfrog, xiao, yasserfaraazkhan, zclk
Upgrade to Mattermost Release 7.9
To upgrade your existing server to the new release, go here. Review the Important Upgrade Notes to make sure you are aware of any actions you need to take before or after upgrading from your particular version.
If you’re new to Mattermost, sign up to try Mattermost for free and install a self-hosted server.