Hacktoberfest 2024

Join our biggest hackathon of the year as we celebrate the 11th iteration of Hacktoberfest! Read the blog post to claim your first badge, learn the many ways you can support the open source community, and get started contributing to Mattermost.


Hacktoberfest is here!

This year we’re collecting digital badges on Holopin! 🌟 Whether you’re contributing code, testing PRs, translating, or improving documentation, every contribution counts—and earns you rewards!


Why should I participate in Hacktoberfest?

Explore and learn new technical skills

By participating in Hacktoberfest, you will have the opportunity to explore new projects and challenges. You will be able to develop your existing technical skills and perhaps learn new ones!

Learn and contribute to a real-world project

Mattermost puts forward real-world projects to contribute to as part of Hacktoberfest. We want to enable you to contribute to a project that thousands of people use every day so that you can have a real impact.

Be a part of the open source community

Throughout Hacktoberfest you will work alongside other members of the open source community from around the globe. You’ll have the opportunity to discuss and meet other like-minded contributors and build your network.

Earn limited-edition swag!

Have the opportunity to earn legendary limited-edition Mattermost digital swag by contributing to the Mattermost project in one of many ways!

How can I participate in Hacktoberfest?

Contribute to the Code

Contribute to the Code

You can contribute to the core code of the Mattermost project in a number of ways. For example you could write an end-to-end test which can improve our testing coverage while learning how Mattermost works! Or you can build an integration and extend Mattermost. Or you could work on existing Help Wanted issues that are open for our community members.

Contribute Now

QA Participant

QA Participant

Work alongside our community code contributors by testing the PRs they submit during Hacktoberfest. Our internal QA analysts and SDETs will be available for any questions you may have. Should the PR you test be for a new feature, help write tests for it in the GitHub Test Management repo.

Join Channel

Provide Translations

Provide Translations

Help us improve the accessibility of Mattermost and make it available to everyone. There is always an opportunity to help us expand our localization and translate Mattermost to new languages.

Get Started

Helping Others Learn

Helping Others Learn

Our developer docs is the place where all of our guides, code examples, and product images exist. Help us improve our documentation by testing the guides, fixing typos or making updates. Do you have an interesting topic to discuss? Write for our blog and share your thoughts with other developers!

Learn More

The technology behind the Mattermost ecosystem

Back-end language

Front-end language

Front-end framework

Mobile framework




To start learning about the technology powering Mattermost, check out the developer setup guide in the contributor documentation. From there, you can explore the Mattermost monorepo.

Hacktoberfest 2023 highlights

Last year we spent the month of October celebrating Hacktoberfest with our seasoned veterans as well as newcomers to our open source community. We had several different opportunities for community members to participate with Mattermost and Hacktoberfest and earn digital swag! Mattermost also planted a tree for every contribution, matching your commitment to open source with a commitment to the planet. Read more about our 2023 Hacktoberfest in our recap blog post.


Product Education: Documentation & Training

High-impact product documentation enhancements* were made for both admins and end users.

Enhancements included: clarifications to iOS mobile app setup instructions and new troubleshooting tips, documenting user management workflows, detailing required Elasticsearch service account permissions, updating Omnibus Ubuntu version support, clarifying rate limit configuration details, adding mmctl command examples, as well as fixing typos, broken links, and updating product screenshots to reflect latest product functionality.

Contributors introduced Mattermost Academy course links to the Mattermost interface to make it easy for users to access Academy without leaving Mattermost.

Mattermost community-supported integration README pages in GitHub were streamlined for easy scanning and consistency.



A long-standing, engaged member of the QA community. He consistently took part in testing, UX surveys and new feature reviews.



For the last several years, this longtime contributor has ensured that for every release we have a 100 % complete translation of Mattermost in their native language.


General Support

Supported migrations, upgrades, and provided helpful insights in the community channel.



Submitted several valid and detailed reports on improper access control on our public Bug Bounty program, significantly enhancing our security measures.
