Developer Productivity Trends to Watch in 2023
It’s a new year and a new quarter – what better time to take a step back and think about the ways your team can collaborate more effectively and work more productively moving forward? Last month, we released the results of our annual developer productivity survey and our analysis of the trends and challenges that will shape the way developers and technical teams work in 2023. Read on to learn more about the developer productivity trends we think will make a big impact this year!
Rethink collaboration tools that fit your team’s needs
One-size-fits-all collaboration tools have reached a breaking point for many teams; 45% of teams surveyed said that their collaboration tools don’t integrate well with the other tools they rely on, while 25% of developers we surveyed said that their collaboration tools were a poor fit for their workflows.
In 2023, we expect to see technical teams increasingly turn to open source solutions that can be adapted and modified to meet their specific needs, and seek out purpose-built collaboration tools designed with technical workflows in mind.
Make knowledge sharing a focal point
According to our survey of developers and technical team leaders, 68% of developers encountered knowledge siloes at least once a week. Those knowledge siloes stop teams from working effectively, whether pulling them out of their state of flow to hunt down the information they need, or slowing down time-to-resolution during incidents.
In 2023, many teams are taking charge of their knowledge databases and investing in better knowledge-sharing tools, processes, and practices. From committing to better process documentation to using more shareable, searchable knowledge repositories, technical teams will benefit from thinking about the information their team
Leverage AI to boost productivity
2022 brought interesting uses for artificial intelligence to market, and this year technical teams have a wide range of novel AI-driven productivity tools to explore. From GitHub’s well-known pair programming tool Copilot to Mintlify’s documentation writer, there are myriad ways to incorporate AI into your processes and workflows to give your team a productivity boost. Check out these open source AI and machine learning projects that we expect will have a big impact on development teams in the future.
Automate smarter, not just more
The trend towards developers using automation isn’t new, and it’s no surprise that automation continues to be a useful tool for technical teams. But we’re starting to see a shift in priorities for automation initiatives; instead of taking a blanket “automate all the things” approach, teams are instead focusing on automating smaller but more critical elements of key workflows. This focused application of automation helps teams effectively reduce toil, without adding too much automation management overhead.
Learn more about developer productivity trends and challenges
Want more insights into what’s holding technical teams back, and how they’re breaking through productivity barriers in 2023? Read the 2023 Guide to Developer Productivity to learn more about how your team can unblock workflows and achieve better productivity this year.