qa testing community

Want to make your mark on Mattermost? Join our QA Testing community!

Mattermost has a diverse community that extends well beyond those who write code for our core projects. From the community members who translate the Mattermost platform into different languages to those who write documentation and beyond, we value every contributor who helps make Mattermost better for everyone.

If you’re interested in contributing to Mattermost, why not pitch in with our QA testing efforts? Our QA team ensures the high standard of quality that enables Mattermost to earn the trust of its users as a reliable and valuable platform — and we always value the fresh perspective of our community contributors. This team tests cutting-edge features, reviews proposed UI/UX changes, and identifies bugs and other issues with new versions of Mattermost. 

Join Mattermost bug bashes and earn rewards!

Our QA community is critical to making the Mattermost user experience the best it can be, and we want to give something back to our outstanding QA contributors. To that end, we’ve started a new rewards program for contributors who participate in our weekly bug bashes.

The process is simple:

  1. Sign up for an account on the Mattermost community and join the QA: Contributors channel.
  2. Join the bug bash. Every week, we’ll run a bug bash to test new features and changes recently implemented in Mattermost, and we’ll announce the focus of the bug bash in this channel.
  3. Earn rewards. We’ll reward you with badges, swag, and more as you participate in our weekly bashes.
  4. Repeat! The more bug bashes you participate in, the more rewards you’ll earn. These rewards are subject to change, so the QA Contributors channel has information about the current reward system.

Our weekly bug bash is the easiest way to get involved with the QA community, but if you prefer to forge your own path, you may also do exploratory testing and report your findings to the QA Contributors channel. These contributions may also be eligible for the rewards listed above; ask the Mattermost QA maintainers for details.

Not sure where to start?

If you’re having a hard time finding features to test, a great place to start is one of the changelogs for self-managed servers, as well as for our mobile and desktop apps. If you want to learn more about other ways to contribute to Mattermost, head over to the contribute page to learn more.

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QA Testing

Lindy Isherwood is a Software Quality Assurance Analyst at Mattermost, Inc., having joined the company in April 2014 as an Operations Manager. Prior to joining Mattermost, Lindy worked as an Operations Manager at Battlehouse Inc. and a marketing consultant at Woodridge College & Preparatory School in South Africa.