Mattermost 5.8: MFA for Team Edition, LDAP group sync, improved image performance and more
Mattermost 5.8 is full of new features that will help your team get more done in less time:
- Multi-factor authentication for Team Edition – after hearing many requests from our community, we’ve added multi-factor authentication to Team Edition to make Mattermost even more secure
- LDAP group sync (experimental) – faster time-to-value with accelerated onboarding of new users by automatically adding them to default teams and channels in Mattermost via LDAP group sync
- Enhanced image performance – image proxy servers that protect user privacy and improve image performance are now integrated into the server and switched on by default
- A stronger user experience – updates to the user interface, notifications settings, plugins, slash commands, admin tools and more add up to deliver an improved user experience
Try these new features by downloading Mattermost 5.8 today. Since it includes security updates, upgrading is recommended.
Thanks for all community contributions this month and in particular our 5.8 MVP, Kyâne Pichou, the lead maintainer of the Docker image, for several improvements to the Dockerfile for Mattermost in production. This brings his total lifetime contributions to Mattermost up to 45. Thank you, Kyâne!
Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) for Team Edition
As the world’s largest open source project on enterprise collaboration, we depend on the contributions and feedback of our community to develop our platform.
To this end, we’re pleased to announce that multi-factor authentication (MFA) ships with Mattermost 5.8 Team Edition. Security is an important value at Mattermost and we acknowledge how this feature supports security measures for organizations of all sizes.
For more, check out our docs and head over to our forum.
Streamlined onboarding with LDAP group sync
Companies that have to onboard a lot of users at once or onboard users frequently will find the experience much less resource-intensive thanks to our new LDAP group sync feature, which is now in beta for Enterprise Edition E20 customers. The feature lets admins set default team and channel membership based on LDAP groups.
LDAP group sync represents the first phase of a larger group feature. Head over to our forum to see what we plan to work on over the coming months.
To learn more about how to manage LDAP groups, read our docs.
Increased performance with image proxy support
Mattermost users will notice improved performance for images thanks to image proxy servers, which are now integrated into the server and switched on by default.
Image proxy servers provide a layer of caching that accelerates picture loading times. Since they are more reliable than third-party sites, image proxy servers preserve posts by protecting them from dead images. Privacy improves, too, since users no longer have to directly interact with third-party servers.
Add it all up, and it’s a more productive and more secure Mattermost experience.
Check out our docs to learn more.
A variety of platform improvements
Mattermost 5.8 features several other platform enhancements, including:
- A new channel notification setting that enables users to disable channel mentions (e.g., @all, @channel and @here)
- The ability to update plugins in a single action instead of having to remove and reinstall them
See the changelog for additional improvements.
Thank you to our contributors
adzimzf, aeomin, amorriscode, amyblais, ArchRoller, asaadmahmood, avasconcelos114, bradjcoughlin, chikei, cometkim, comharris, coreyhulen, cpanato, crspeller, csduarte, cvitter, danmaas, dannymohammad, deanwhillier, der-test, DHaussermann, dmamills, dom3k, DSchalla, dv29, enahum, esethna, gabrieljackson, grundleborg, hanzei, hmhealey, icelander, it33, ja11sop, jasonblais, jespino, JtheBAB, JustinReynolds-MM, jwilander, kaakaa, Kaya_Zeren, kosgrz, Lena, levb, lfbrock, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, lindy65, maruTA-bis5, meilon, mgdelacroix, mickmister, migbot, mkraft, mlongo4290 mollyyoung, nashik, nlowe, Ovski4, pichouk, pjgrizel, pradeepmurugesan, robert843, rodcorsi, rononline, ryoon, s4kh, sadohert, sapnasivakumar, saturninoabril, Sheshagiri, sonasingh46, sudheerDev, svelle, thePanz, tomocy, ulhosting, unigiriunini, wget, wiersgallak, yuya-oc, zeroimpl, zetaab
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