mattermost release

Mattermost v6.4 is now available

This new release includes unlimited playbooks in Starter edition, and multiple Boards enhancements including standard templates, template previews, new archive format with image support, card badges, and GIF support.

Mattermost v6.4 is generally available today and includes the following new features (see changelog for more details): 

Playbooks: Unlimited playbooks in Team and Starter edition

We heard your feedback and want to give more freedom to teams experimenting with the range of use cases that benefit from Playbooks. Now all subscription plans support the creation of unlimited playbooks. Many workflows benefit from both collaboration and more structure, and we look forward to hearing the creative solutions our community and customers develop.

Boards: Template previews

Easily browse these new templates and find the best one for your project with the redesigned template selector. Easily toggle between all our templates to get a live preview, and see if the template suits your needs before adding it to your workspace.

Mattermost v6.4: Template previews in Boards

Boards: New standard templates

Kick off your next project with our new and improved standard templates. We’ve updated our existing templates and added some new ones to incorporate new views, property types, and example cards to help you utilize Boards to the fullest. Our templates cover a range of use cases, including project management, roadmaps, meeting agendas, content calendars, and personal goals and tasks.

Design and publishing teams will find the new content calendar template handy to organize upcoming releases and keep stakeholders up to date.

Mattermost v6.4: New standard templates in Boards

Boards: New archive format with image support

Exported and imported board archives now include card image attachments to ensure you capture all rich details from your card data. The archive format is changing with a new .boardarchive extension and all-new exports will only be in this format. 

Please note: The old .focalboard format will be deprecated in a future release, but will support importing until then. Currently, the import dialog looks for .boardarchive, but you can use the “select all files” option to select .focalboard files.

Boards: Card badges

See what’s inside a card without opening it. Card badges indicate the type of content in a card, so you can easily identify if a card has a description, comments, and checklists, along with the state of those checklists, all without needing to open the card. Toggle card badges on and off via the ‘Properties’ menu in the Board, Gallery, and Calendar views.

Mattermost v6.4: Card badges in Boards

Boards: URL property improvement

Easily open links from a card without needing to click on a small link icon. The entire text on URL properties is now clickable, making it more convenient to open links from cards.

Mattermost v6.4: URL property improvements in Boards

Boards: GIF support in card descriptions

Provide more context in your work items by adding animated GIFs. GIF file types are now supported as an image attachment in card descriptions.

Thank you to our contributors

Thanks for all community contributions this month and, in particular, our v6.4 Most Valued Professional (MVP), Suneet Srivastava, who has submitted multiple contributions to our Desktop App Contributor Event. Thank you for your continued contributions, Suneet!

Mattermost v6.4: Thank you!

3ach, abdusabri, abhijit-singh, adithyaakrishna, Adovenmuehle, aeomin, agarciamontoro, AGMETEOR, agnivade, alauregaillard, alieh-rymasheuski, amyblais, anurag6713, arjitc, asaadmahmood, ashishbhate, AshishDhama, balajivenkatesh, BenHargreaves, BenLloydPearson, bhimeshchauhan, bobychaudhary, calebroseland, ChaseKnowlden, chenilim, codedsun, coltoneshaw, cpanato, cpoile, crspeller, ctlaltdieliet, cwarnermm, debasish4patra, debci, devinbinnie, dfun90, emdecr, enahum, esethna,, flynbit, frnkshin, furqanmlk, gabrieljackson, gbochora, gtapias, hanzei, harshilsharma63, hmhealey, icelander, iomodo, isacikgoz, it33, jasonblais, jayaddison-collabora, jespino, jfrerich, jgilliam17, jihoon-seo, johnsonbrothers, josephjosedev, jpaldeano, jprusch, jsoref, JtheBAB, jufab, JulienTant, justinegeffen, jwilander, K3UL, kaakaa, kamre, kayazeren, koox00, krmh04, krotovkk, LaoshuBaby, larkox, levb, lieut-data, lynn915, M-ZubairAhmed, maisnamrajusingh, majo, maksimatveev, manojmalik20, MarcCeleiro, marianunez, master7, matt-w99, matthewbirtch, matthew-w, Mercbot7, meshal, Meshalaw, mgdelacroix, michaelgamble, mickmister, milotype, mkbox, mkraft, mxschumacher, mylonsuren, nathanaelhoun, neallred, nickmisasi, ogi-m, oh6hay, onoklin, pablovelezvidal, patatman, Phrynobatrachus, potatogim, R, RenePinnow, ricosega, rinkimekari, sadohert, sangramrath, sanjaydemansol, saturninoabril, Sayanta66, sbishel, Schweinepriester, scottaudet, seoyeongeun, shadowshot-x, shrzkhn, sibasankarnayak, spirosoik, sri-byte, srkgupta, stafot, streamer45, stylianosrigas, svelle, Szymongib, tilto0822, TQuock, tsabi, tw-ayush, varghesejose2020, venarius, wiersgallak, wiggin77, willpwa, Willyfrog, wqweto, wuwinson, zefhemel

Upgrade to Mattermost Release 6.4

To upgrade your existing server to the new release, go here. Review the Important Upgrade Notes to make sure you are aware of any actions you need to take before or after upgrading from your particular version. We also created this handy reference to help guide you through the process.

If you’re new to Mattermost, register for a 30-day trial of Enterprise Edition.


Katie Wiersgalla is the Senior Product Manager at Mattermost, Inc. who has a history of driving agile transformation at software companies. Previously, she led product teams at Authenticom, Inc., holding several positions there, including VP of Product. Katie earned a bachelor's degree from Viterbo University, where she graduated magna cum laude.