Mattermost v7.2 is now available
This new release includes message forwarding for channels and Audit Log v2 Beta supporting new schema and output log types.
Mattermost v7.2 is generally available today. The following new features are included (see changelog for more details):
- Channels: Message forwarding
- Platform: Audit Log v2 Beta supporting new schema and output log types
Channels: Message Forwarding
You can now easily share messages as permalinks and their respective permalink previews via the new Message Forwarding feature in Channels. Simply select the new “Forward” option from the “More” section of the message hover actions menu on a given message, choose a desired destination, and optionally add a comment for context. Message forwarding works across teams as well as within the same team.
Messages in public channels can be forwarded anywhere. However, messages sent in direct messages, group messages, or private channels can only be forwarded within their original location. In these more private settings, the Message Forwarding feature can be used to bump a message as a reminder or to add more context.
Please see our documentation for more information.
Platform: Audit Log v2 Beta
Audit logging provides security, compliance, and ITOps with “who, what, where, when, and how” records of Mattermost use. Audit Log v2 (beta) streamlines the process of monitoring, storing, and analyzing critical data with your existing third-party monitoring tools, dashboards, and reports.
This update focuses on database schema, i.e., how events are recorded. The schema is now extended to include more event data, with a focus on state before and after the event. We have also made several modifications based on feedback to things such as the timestamp.
The change to the schema means that anyone currently testing the beta feature must review the event data, and if there are any alerts set against an event, edit accordingly.
Head on over to the Audit Log v2 documentation page for details on the new schema and other changes.
Thank you to our contributors
Thanks for all community contributions this month and, in particular, our v7.2 Most Valued Professional (MVP), Alexander Griesser, who frequently helps respond to community/customer issues on our community server channels as well as on the forum. Thank you for your continued contributions, Alexander!
64bitpandas, Afsoon, agarciamontoro, AGMETEOR, agnivade, amyblais, Apahadi73, asaadmahmood, ashishbhate, AshishDhama, avinashlng1080, azigler, ballista01, BenCookie95, calebroseland, cpoile, crspeller, ctlaltdieliet, cwarnermm, d-wierdsma, debasish4patra, devinbinnie, eggmoid, filipeandrade6, gabrieljackson, gbochora, Haliax, hannaparks, hanzei, harshilsharma63, hegocre, hmhealey, ifnotak, imasdekar, imskr, iomodo, isacikgoz, iyampaul, jasonblais, jespino, johnsonbrothers, jonathanwiemers, josephbaylon, jprusch, JtheBAB, JulienTant, julmondragon, justinegeffen, kaakaa, kamre, KantinHoll, karistuck, kayazeren, komarnitskyi, koox00, krisfremen, krmh04, kyeongsoosoo, levb, lieut-data, M-ZubairAhmed, majo, maksimatveev, manojmalik20, MarkAndersonTrocme, master7, matt-w99, matthew-w, mgdelacroix, michelengelen, mickmister, milotype, mkraft, Mshahidtaj, munish7771, muratbayan, neallred, neflyte, nevyangelova, nickmisasi, noxer, ogi-m, oh6hay, pfltdv, phoinixgrr, Phrynobatrachus, Pinjasaur, pjenicot, plant99, potatogim, pvev, Rajat-Dabade, RKRohk, RoyI99, sadohert, samia64saleem, santoniriccardo, saosangmo, saturninoabril, sbishel, seoyeongeun, serhack, shamboozles, Sharuru, sibasankarnayak, SilverKnightKMA, sinansonmez, spirosoik, sri-byte, stafot, streamer45, stylianosrigas, svelle, Szymongib, t0mm0, tboulis, thePanz, thinkGeist, tiagodll, trilopin, tsabi, varghesejose2020, vdvukhzhilov, vish9812, weblate, whiver, wiggin77, Willyfrog, yoikeda, zefhemel
Upgrade to Mattermost Release 7.2
To upgrade your existing server to the new release, go here. Review the Important Upgrade Notes to make sure you are aware of any actions you need to take before or after upgrading from your particular version. We also created this handy reference to help guide you through the process.
If you’re new to Mattermost, register for a 30-day trial of Enterprise Edition.