Upgrade to Server ESR 9.11 and Desktop App ESR v5.9 for improved security and performance, compatibility & enhanced user experience
Mattermost server v9.11 has been implemented as a new Extended Support Release in August, 2024. v9.11 will be supported until May 15, 2025. We have been maintaining v9.5 as our current ESR. This version is coming to the end of its life cycle. Starting November 16, 2024 we will no longer backport fixes to v9.5. Please upgrade your systems to v9.11 as soon as possible to continue to receive important bug fixes and security updates and to maintain client compatibility.
Additionally, from August 2024, Mattermost server extended releases are now paired with Mattermost desktop app extended releases. Mattermost Desktop App v5.9 has been implemented as a new desktop app Extended Support Release in August, 2024, and will be supported until May 15, 2025.
Extended Support Releases or ESRs are a strategic choice for organizations looking for stability and reduced frequency of updates. Using ESRs can minimize disruptions associated with frequent upgrades, making them an attractive option for environments where stability is paramount.
Why should I upgrade my server and desktop app version?
1. Security
See a full list of security updates for both server and clients.
2. Mobile app compatibility
As we innovate and offer newer versions of our mobile apps, we maintain backwards compatibility only with supported server versions. Users who upgrade to the newest mobile apps while being connected to an unsupported server version can be exposed to compatibility issues, which can cause crashes or severe bugs that break core functionality of the app.
3. New features and improved user experience
We add new features and user experience enhancements to our new versions regularly. See the server changelog and desktop app changelog for a full list of the latest features, performance enhancements, bug fixes, and other improvements.
See this blog post for more details on why it’s important to upgrade your Mattermost Server.
What’s new since the last server ESR release?
Here are some important changes and highlights since the v9.5 ESR release:
1. Support for Elasticsearch v8 and Beta support for Opensearch. Read more details in the important upgrade notes for v9.11.
2. New features, including web app performance improvements, simpler notification settings, and user interface polish and visual improvements. Read more details in the changelog.
How do I upgrade my server and desktop app?
To upgrade your server easily, first review the important upgrade notes and changelog to make sure you are aware of any actions you need to take before or after upgrading from your particular version. Then follow the upgrade guides for step-by-step instructions on how to upgrade your server, including downloading the latest server version and backing up your data and application.
To install and update the desktop app, first review the changelog to make sure you are aware of any actions you need to take before or after upgrading from your particular version. Then follow the install guide for step-by-step instructions on how to install and update the desktop app version.
Questions or concerns?
Contact us by replying to this Forum post.