100 most popular Mattermost features invented and contributed by our amazing open source community

As the world’s largest open source project on enterprise collaboration, Mattermost depends on input and contributions from thousands of companies and collaborators to invent and develop new capabilities.

Just over two years from its start on June 28, 2015, the open source project has grown tremendously, now offering a powerful, robust, easy-to-install server and high-quality experiences across web, mobile, and PC.

In this article, we take a look back at the 100 most popular Mattermost improvements suggested, voted on, and implemented by our community, thanks to the efforts of over 6,000 registered users in the Mattermost feature proposal forum.

Here’s how each of the new capabilities listed below came into being:

  • Interested developers and users participate in our feature proposal forum.
    • Users scan the forum to see whether a feature idea has been proposed or is in development.
    • If something hasn’t yet been proposed, an engineer from our open source community might decide to post a new idea.
  • Other members of the community discuss the merits of features by commenting in relevant threads and upvoting their favorite proposals.
    • Each user has up to three votes per issue and 10 votes across the system.
    • Our core committers try hard to stay out of these conversations because we want to see where our community takes them.
  • Feature proposals that users agree would improve Mattermost Team Edition receive a “Help Wanted” ticket inviting the open source community to make a contribution.
    • Compelling features for Mattermost Enterprise Edition are developed by Mattermost core committers.

We owe it to the incredible developers in our open source community to highlight the amazing features they’ve helped add to Mattermost over the last few years. Without further ado, here are the top 100 feature requests that have been implemented into Mattermost, arranged in chronological order:

    1. Local storage of files and photos on application server proposed by fanbin in June 2015 and added to Mattermost in August 2015
    2. Enable installer to complete without referencing external domains proposed in June 2015 and added to Mattermost in August 2015
    3. Support for PostgreSQL proposed in June 2015 and added to Mattermost in August 2015
    4. Add a way to integrate with Hubot proposed by Quentin Nerden in July 2015 and added to Mattermost in November 2015 by Renan Vincente
    5. Nickname autocompletion proposed by User404 in July 2015 and added to Mattermost in February 2016
    6. Unite messages of the same user proposed by User404 in July 2015 and added to Mattermost in February 2016
    7. Make message sending faster proposed by User404 in July 2015 and added to Mattermost in September 2015
    8. Add an app for desktops proposed by Quentin Nerden in July 2015 and added to Mattermost in March 2016
    9. Add Slack-like integrations proposed by Chris Smith in July 2015 and added to Mattermost in February 2016
    10. Away status proposed by User404 in July 2015 and added to Mattermost in February 2016
    11. Add Markdown Support proposed by Carl Perfect in July 2015 and added to Mattermost in September 2015
    12. Support for transmission and disk encryption proposed by ChicagoMed in August 2015 and added to Mattermost in November 2016
    13. Basic Emoji support proposed by khanh bui in August 2015 and added to Mattermost in October 2015
    14. XMPP support proposed by Vinc in August 2015 and added to Mattermost in March 2016 via Matterbridge by 42wim
    15. IRC bridge proposed by an anonymous user in August 2015 and added to Mattermost in October 2015 by 42wim
    16. Add notification persistence preference to configuration file proposed by an anonymous user in August 2015 and added to Mattermost in May 2017
    17. Add ability to permanently delete a team member to CLI tool proposed by an anonymous user in August 2015 and added to Mattermost in February 2016
    18. Localized user interface / Internationalization proposed by Jean-Yves in August 2015 and added to Mattermost in February 2016
    19. Add Git hooks proposed by Melanie in August 2015 and added to Mattermost in April 2017
    20. Add Emoji Support proposed by an anonymous user in August 2015 and added to Mattermost in October 2015
    21. Auto-update the feed in the channel automatically proposed by Melanie in August 2015 and added to Mattermost in September 2015
    22. Add desktop notification via Notifications API proposed by Stefano s in September 2015 and added to Mattermost in February 2016
    23. Add support for sending messages to multiple users without creating a channel/group proposed by Solerman Kaplon in September 2015 and added to Mattermost in March 2017
    24. Jenkins integration proposed by kuku mistos in September 2015 and added to Mattermost in November 2015 via integration
    25. Native Android App proposed by Melanie in September 2015 and added to Mattermost in March 2016
    26. Change favicon for new notifications proposed by Stephen Finucane in October 2015 and added to Mattermost in February 2016
    27. Clicking on a search result should bring up the conversation history around that search result proposed by an anonymous user in October 2015 and added to Mattermost in January 2016
    28. Add a comment section on other people’s posts like Convo has proposed by an anonymous user in October 2015 and added to Mattermost in February 2016
    29. Detect and parse 3rd party links like Twitter, YouTube etc. proposed by Richard Hordern in October 2015 and added to Mattermost in November 2015
    30. Pinned posts proposed by Rory in October 2015 and added to Mattermost in April 2017
    31. Add Copy and Paste to add screenshots and files proposed by an anonymous user in October 2015 and added to Mattermost in November 2015
    32. Emoji autocomplete proposed by an anonymous user in October 2015 and added to Mattermost in February 2016
    33. Add a search filter to the “More Channels” list proposed by Владислав Колесник in October 2015 and added to Mattermost in November 2016
    34. Add latex support proposed by Anton Akhmerov in October 2015 and added to Mattermost in November 2015
    35. Auto focus cursor to message typing proposed by Krishna in October 2015 and added to Mattermost in November 2015
    36. Add previews for PDF attachments proposed by Jeroen Hoek in November 2015 and added to Mattermost in September 2016
    37. Allow opening a team so people can join without invites proposed by Yuvi Panda in November 2015 and added to Mattermost in January 2016
    38. Hotkeys / Keyboard Shortcuts proposed by Cees in November 2015 and added to Mattermost in July 2016
    39. Add emoji reactions proposed by an anonymous user in December 2015 and added to Mattermost in July 2017
    40. Make commenting a one-click easy action proposed by Sam in December 2015 and added to Mattermost in March 2016
    41. Add favorite/starred channels proposed by an anonymous user in December 2015 and added to Mattermost in November 2016
    42. Add ability to add custom emojis proposed by an anonymous user in December 2015 and added to Mattermost in July 2016
    43. See who’s online in a channel proposed by Frank in January 2016 and added to Mattermost in September 2016
    44. Prompt to invite a user to a channel when you mention them proposed by Kirsty Gasston in January 2016 and added to Mattermost in February 2016
    45. Add markdown support for Image Size proposed by Sven in January 2016 and added to Mattermost in August 2017
    46. Compact message theme proposed by Jasper in January 2016 and added to Mattermost in July 2016
    47. Change max length of username so that full names can be used, add capital letters proposed by Patrick Schwarck in January 2016 and added to Mattermost in February 2016
    48. Add search filter for usernames in “Add Members to channel list” proposed by Jon Grace-Cox in January 2016 and added to Mattermost in March 2016
    49. Ability to run Mattermost on Windows Server proposed by MikeBee in January 2016 and added to Mattermost in January 2017
    50. Command shortcut for messaging a user (/msg) proposed by Alan in January 2016 and added to Mattermost in November 2016
    51. Autocomplete usernames based on both username and fullname proposed by Pascal Widdershoven in February 2016 and added to Mattermost in July 2016
    52. List teams of user in Mattermost home page proposed by Chengwei Yang in February 2016 and added to Mattermost in August 2016
    53. Flagged messages proposed by Rodrigo in February 2016 and added to Mattermost in August 2016
    54. Javascript Driver proposed in February 2016 and added to Mattermost in July 2016
    55. Allow email batching / limiting proposed by Ryan Styrczula in March 2016 and added to Mattermost in September 2016
    56. Mac desktop: Add menu bar icon and show unread new message badge proposed by nItroFreeZer in March 2016 and added to Mattermost in May 2016
    57. Mac desktop: Add option to increase/decrease font size proposed in March 2016 and added to Mattermost in July 2016
    58. CMD + W to close window proposed in March 2016 and added to Mattermost in July 2016
    59. Linux Desktop app: Support app going into tray proposed in March 2016 and added to Mattermost in July 2016
    60. Android App: System Notifications proposed by Andreas in March 2016 and added to Mattermost in April 2016
    61. Add the user online status to the direct messages / Channel-member “user manager” proposed by Patrick Schwarck in March 2016 and added to Mattermost in May 2017
    62. Translate UI to Chinese simplified proposed by Diego Rojas in March 2016 and added to Mattermost in August 2016
    63. Allow auto-signup with SSO/GitLab proposed by Cor Bosman in April 2016 and added to Mattermost in August 2016
    64. Jump to conversation proposed by Kolja Lampe in April 2016 and added to Mattermost in August 2016
    65. Mattermost protocol implementation for libpurple (Pidgin/Adium/Instanbird) proposed by Alexander J. Salas B. in April 2016 and added to Mattermost in June 2017 by Eion Robb
    66. Add option to bounce icon in OS X dock for notification proposed by Mike South in April 2016 and added to Mattermost in July 2016
    67. +1 or like messages proposed by elha in May 2016 and added to Mattermost in July 2017
    68. Option to push-notify to mobile even when logged in elsewhere proposed by ignatius-tg in May 2016 and added to Mattermost in June 2016
    69. Windows Mattermost Client: Make use of the Window caption proposed by Daniel Stephan in June 2016 and added to Mattermost in September 2016
    70. Better notifications between teams proposed by Emilien in June 2016 and added to Mattermost in February 2017
    71. Make maximum number of channels per team configurable proposed by Noah Easterly in June 2016 and added to Mattermost in November 2016
    72. Inline spell check for Mattermost client proposed by jasonblais in July 2016 and added to Mattermost in May 2017
    73. Add ability for administrators to restrict archiving of channels proposed by Tom Truitt in July 2016 and added to Mattermost in September 2016
    74. List flagged messages proposed by Sebastian in July 2016 and added to Mattermost in August 2016
    75. Add keyboard shortcut for quick reply to last message proposed by L. Pilz in July 2016 and added to Mattermost in September 2017
    76. Make notification about new message persistent proposed by Богдан Шубенок in July 2016 and added to Mattermost in September 2016
    77. Windows distribution via Chocolatey proposed by jasonblais in July 2016 and added to Mattermost in October 2016
    78. Typing a mention should also suggest based on full name proposed by Tim Weller in July 2016 and added to Mattermost in July 2016
    79. Mail notification subject should contain channel’s name proposed by Sang Jun Lee in August 2016 and added to Mattermost in August 2016
    80. On login don’t display teams if only one is available proposed by an anonymous user in September 2016 and added to Mattermost in January 2017
    81. Have Android push-notification play even with chat open proposed by Peter Johansson in September 2016 and added to Mattermost in December 2016
    82. Keyboard shortcuts for new messages proposed by Edwin Amsler in October 2016 and added to Mattermost in November 2016
    83. Option for channel specific push notifications proposed by an anonymous user in November 2016 and added to Mattermost in April 2017
    84. Ctrl+K CMD+K searching thru channels proposed by Jogurt in November 2016 and added to Mattermost in September 2017
    85. Ctrl+K CMD+K faster jumping to the channel proposed by Jogurt in November 2016 and added to Mattermost in November 2016
    86. Actions and buttons to incoming webhooks proposed by an anonymous user in January 2017 and added to Mattermost in September 2017
    87. Graphical emoji picker proposed by Elisa in January 2017 and added to Mattermost in April 2017
    88. Confirm with ping warning before sending @all @everyone @here @channel mentions proposed by Chris Burgess in March 2017 and added to Mattermost in August 2017
    89. When idle, only send email notification if status doesn’t change to online in 1 minute proposed by Michael Magill in July 2017 and added to Mattermost in September 2017
    90. Support Gitlab login on 2nd gen iOS app proposed by an anonymous user in July 2017 and added to Mattermost in July 2017
    91. Make list of emojis accessible near message input field proposed by PAX in July 2017 and added to Mattermost in August 2017
    92. EE: Integration with LDAP / Active Directory proposed by Kaushik Chakraborty in June 2015 and added to Mattermost in March 2016
    93. EE: Data retention and prune/reset/clear channel content options proposed by an anonymous user in October 2015 and added to Mattermost in October 2017
    94. EE: Messaging Editing & Deletion configuration option proposed by Kiran in October 2015 and added to Mattermost in March 2017
    95. EE: Add IT policy option to disable or enable join/leave messages proposed by an anonymous user in November 2015 and added to Mattermost in November 2016
    96. EE: Add ability to restrict channel creation proposed by an anonymous user in December 2015 and added to Mattermost in August 2016
    97. EE: Team setting: Restrict inviting of new members proposed by Trux Trux in February 2016 and added to Mattermost in November 2016
    98. EE: Support high availability proposed by Jonathan Rudenberg in February 2016 and added to Mattermost in August 2016
    99. EE: Horizontal scaling for large enterprise deployments proposed in March 2016 and added to Mattermost in August 2016
    100. EE: Provide option to authenticate using a SAML based iDP proposed by Nicholas Hatch in June 2016 and added to Mattermost in July 2016

Thanks so much for helping us deliver more value to our users. It’s been incredible to witness. Mattermost wouldn’t be what it is today without all of you.

Looking ahead, we can’t wait to see the next 100 crowdsourced features that get added to Mattermost.

If you’re interested in contributing to Mattermost, check out our contribution guidelines and join our forum. We’re looking forward to seeing what you create.


Ian is CEO and Co-Founder of Mattermost. He previously founded SpinPunch, Inc., an online video game company with millions of players across 190 countries. Prior to SpinPunch, Ian was VP of Product at Flickme, a movie streaming startup backed by Sequoia Capital, Warner Brothers, and Sony Pictures. He also ran product management for Microsoft SkyDrive (now “OneDrive”) and Hotmail (now “Outlook.com”) and led engineering teams for Microsoft Office. Ian holds over a dozen patents in analytic applications and is an alumnus of the University of Waterloo, where he worked at Trilogy Software during school, and the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where he served as a teaching assistant for Andy Grove and Myron Scholes.