Mattermost 5.4: User-focused features, new data export tool, mobile enhancements and more
Mattermost 5.4 includes new features designed to increase team productivity:
- User-focused features – have an even more enjoyable Mattermost experience thanks to several user-facing features and user experience improvements, including jumboemoji support, a draft indicator for channels with unsent messages and interactive message menus (see Jira example below)
- Data export tool – consolidate data while merging servers with our new basic export tool
- Mobile app enhancements – get more done when you’re on the go with a number of improvements to our mobile app, including hashtag support and the ability to view which of your colleagues reacted to posts with emojis
Try these new features by downloading Mattermost 5.4 today. Since it includes security updates, upgrading is recommended.
We’re thrilled to announce that we are participating in Hacktoberfest once again! Learn how you can win free swag by contributing to open source projects during the month of October.
Thanks for all community contributions this month and in particular our 5.4 MVP, Hanzei, for several improvements to interactive messages and plugins, bringing his total lifetime contributions to Mattermost up to eight. Thank you, Hanzei!
Increase productivity with new features
Mattermost 5.4 includes a number of updates to our user interface that enhance the user experience:
- See which channels have unsent messages sitting in them with a new draft indicator that appears in the channel sidebar and channel switcher
The pencil icon indicates an unsent message in the Bugs channel.
- Express your emotions more accurately and have more fun with conversations thanks to jumbo emoji support
Use jumboemojis to make conversations more enjoyable.
- Find content more easily by searching group and direct messages using the “in:” modifier
- Draft long messages more easily thanks to a text box area that automatically expands when you write longer posts
- Create interactive integrations with new message menus
Assign a JIRA ticket with message menus.
Check out the changelog to learn about additional UI/UX upgrades.
Merge two servers without losing any data
Organizations can now merge two servers while consolidating data thanks to a new export tool that can be called via the CLI. For example, a company might run two servers during a proof of concept and wish to merge them after the program succeeds.
Currently, the tool exports basic objects (e.g., posts, users, replies, teams and channels).
Interested in helping us build additional functionality into this tool? Learn how to contribute to Mattermost.
Get more done on the go with mobile improvements
Our newly released mobile app includes several new enhancements:
- Track down the information you’re looking for and organize your data with added hashtag support
- See which of your colleagues reacted to a post by holding down on any emoji reaction on your mobile device
- Use Mattermost on your iPhone XR, XS and XS Max thanks to newly added support
For more improvements, read our mobile changelog.
Get involved with Hacktoberfest
We’re pleased to announce that Mattermost is participating in the fifth annual Hacktoberfest event, which is sponsored by DigitalOcean, GitHub and Twilio.
The first 50,000 open source contributors who submit five pull requests to any GitHub-hosted project during the month of October will win a free T-shirt.
If you’re interested in contributing to the Mattermost open source project for Hacktoberfest, check out our open issues on GitHub and stop by our contributors’ community channel.
For more information about the event, check out this blog post from Mattermost CTO Corey Hulen and head over to DigitalOcean’s website.
Thank you to our contributors
aeomin, amyblais, asaadmahmood, ArchRoller, avasconcelos114, balcsida, bezumkin, ccpaging, chetanyakan, chikei, cimfalab, cjbirk, cometkim, coreyhulen, cpanato, crspeller, cvitter, danmaas, der-test, DHaussermann, dmitrysamuylovpharo, DSchalla, enahum, esethna, FurmanovD, gramakri, greensteve, grundleborg, gvengel, hanzei, harshilsharma, hmhealey, jasonblais, jazzzz, jespino, jkurian, JustinReynolds-MM, jwilander, kaakaa, kayazeren, kongr45gpen, lfbrock, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, meilon, mikroskeem, mkraft, mlongo4290, n1aba, n7st, pichouk, pjgrizel, pkuhner, robert843, rodcorsi, ryoon, R-Wang97, saturninoabril, sudheerDev, tejasbubane, thawn, thePanz, ThiefMaster, uhlhosting, wget, xcompass, yuya-oc, zetaab
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Find help updating to the latest version of Mattermost here.
For more help on configuring Mattermost, please review our administrator’s guide.
Enterprise E10 and E20
Mattermost Enterprise E10 and E20 are commercial versions of Mattermost designed for today’s leading organizations. For more information on features and pricing, go to mattermost.com/pricing/.
Need some help with configuration? Our Enterprise subscriptions include upgrade and installation support from Mattermost, Inc.