Mattermost 2.1: Android, Windows, Linux and Mac apps plus Portuguese and more
Native apps for Android, Window, Linux, and Mac, plus Brazilian Portuguese translation. New Japanese deployment guides, integrations with Jira, Email, Terminal and Winston, plus a new Kubernetes installer.
What an incredible month! Mattermost 2.1 is now available for download.
Note: Mattermost 2.1 contains a security update. It’s highly recommended that earlier deployments upgrade.
Android application
The new open source Android app is now available. Many thanks to everyone who tested the project on a variety of Samsung, Google, Sony, Motorola, Xiaomi, and Oneplus phones.
Application is available for use with Mattermost server 2.1.0 and higher. See more at Google Play.
Android application now available for use with Mattermost server 2.1.0
Windows, Linux and Mac desktop applications
After discussion with the leading community projects developing desktop applications for Mattermost, electron-mattermost by Yuya Ochiai was selected as the new official version.
Users can download an use binaries for running native desktop applications on Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), Linux (32-bit and 64-bit) and Mac. The applications will continue to be improved under a beta tag and switch to final release versions after they’re integrated with the Mattermost build system with code signing.
Huge thanks to Yuya Ochiai for being the maintainer of the official desktop applications, and huge thanks also to all the other community members who have been worked on other desktop projects. We hope you’ll consider bringing your creativity and talent to the new official Mattermost desktop and help us realize its full potential.
New Mattermost desktop applications for Windows running with transparency effects from Windows Aero theme.
Brazilian Portuguese
After English and Spanish, our third language for Mattermost is Brazilian Portuguese. Huge thanks to the efforts of Rodrigo.
In December, Mattermost was designed for the 335 million native English speakers in the world. In February, with the addition of Spanish translation, we were able to reach an additional 414 million people who are native Spanish speakers. In March, we now add 200 million speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. It’s a pretty good start.
System Console translated into Brazilian Portuguese
Japanese deployment guides
An increasing number of guides on Mattermost deployment, webhooks, Hubot, Docker and other topics are being produced on Qiita, a Japanese community site. If anyone is interested in working on a Japanese translation, or other language translations, please join in the discussion.
Jira, Email, CLI, and Winston integrations
We greatly appreciate all the community applications being developed. We haven’t had time to list them all here by the release of 2.1, but we’ll add more retroactively. If you’ve created a Mattermost application or installer, please let us know about it so we can share it with the community.
New since our last release:
Winston logger pushes events to Mattermost from Winston (multi-transport asynchronous logger for node.js) by @seigneur
Mattersend command line interface tool tool for Mattermost by mtorromeo.
MatterMail publishes all mail from an inbox to a Mattermost channel or private group, by rodrigocorsi2
Jira Integration for Mattermost brings Jira events into Mattermost channels using incoming webhooks, by woutervb
Kubernetes for Mattermost
kube-mattermost deploys a Docker image for Mattermost using Kubernetes, by redspread. You can also read about this integration in Japanese.
Thank you!
We’re incredibly grateful to the community for all the contributions you’ve made to make 2.1.0 a memorable release. In addition to everyone we’d like to thank above, thanks also to contributors to the Mattermost server:
yuya-oc, rodrigocorsi2, enahum, khoa-le, alanmoo, daizenberg, GuillaumeAmat, kernicPanel, timlyo, ttyniwa