Mattermost 5.10: Single sign-on for mobile, richer integrations and more
Mattermost 5.10 includes several new features that will help your team work better together:
- Single sign-on for mobile – get more done faster when you’re on the go thanks to Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) and Office365 single sign-on (SSO) support for mobile
- Interactive ephemeral messages – build richer integrations with a new feature that lets users interact with ephemeral messages that only they can see
- Configuration in database – manage configuration options directly in the database thanks to a new approach to configuration
Try these new features by downloading Mattermost 5.10 today. Since it includes security updates, upgrading is recommended.
Thanks for all community contributions this month and in particular our 5.10 MVP, kosgrz, who submitted several pull requests, including the ability to render emojis in interactive message buttons. This brings his total lifetime contributions to Mattermost up to 16. Thank you, kosgrz!
Get more done on the go
The newest version of our mobile app (1.18.0) just shipped, and there’s a lot for on-the-go team members to be excited about.
Most notably, we’ve added support for Office365 single sign-on, and we’ve also added support for Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA).
As a result, it’s now even easier to have a productive and secure Mattermost experience when you’re outside the office.
To see what else is new in our mobile app, visit the changelog.
Interactive ephemeral messages
Users can now modify message attachments, allowing for richer integrations and a more productive Mattermost experience.
For example, a Giphy integration lets users look through a set of images that only they can see before choosing the one to post to a channel.
This feature is also useful for generic confirmation dialogs, survey questions and similar use cases where the message isn’t posted to an entire channel.
Review and add comments to GitHub via personal bot messages only visible to you.
Configuration in database
As Mattermost increasingly focuses on Kubernetes and containerization, a new approach to configuration is necessary to ensure stability between servers in the same cluster.
To this end, we’ve developed a solution that enables storing configurations in the database. This option honors the current config.json to maintain backwards compatibility while improving the system console experience on read-only file systems.
Mattermost servers are highly configurable; each individual server has historically been managed via a JSON configuration file.
This approach, however, has limitations. For example, configuration may accidentally diverge between servers in the same cluster and any configuration changes made by the server must be written back to the disk.
To take advantage of configuration in the database, you need to opt in via command line or environment variable, as this setting is supported as experimental in this release.
Thank you to our contributors
7-plus-t, aeomin, ali-farooq0, amaddio, amyblais, asaadmahmood, avasconcelos114, bcalik, benschuster788, bradjcoughlin, checkaayush, chetanyakan, chikei, comharris, courtneypattison, cpanato, cpoile, crspeller, csduarte, d28park, danmaas, dchukmasov, deanwhillier, der-test, DHaussermann, DSchalla, enahum, esethna, fcorrea, gnufede, grundleborg, gruceqq, gulhe, gupsho, hanzei, harshilsharma, hectorskypl, hmhealey, Hobby-Student, it33, j8r, jasonblais, jespino, jk2K, johnsenner, JtheBAB, jwilander, kaakaa, Kaya_Zeren, kelvintyb, kjkeane, kosgrz, Lena, letsila, levb, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, m3phistopheles, MartB, meilon, mgdelacroix, mickmister, migbot, MirlanMaksv, mkraft, mlongo4290, nadaa, oliverJurgen, pesintta, reflog, rodcorsi, Roy-Orbison, sadohert, sandlis, saturninoabril, stylianosrigas, sudheerDev, svelle, tejasbubane, thekiiingbob, thePanz, ulhosting, wbernest, wget, wiersgallak, yuya-oc
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Enterprise E10 and E20
Mattermost Enterprise E10 and E20 are commercial versions of Mattermost designed for today’s leading organizations. For more information on features and pricing, visit mattermost.com/pricing.
Need some help with configuration? Our Enterprise subscriptions include upgrade and installation support from Mattermost, Inc.