Mattermost 5.22: Read-only channels & channel moderation settings in E20

Mattermost 5.22 ships with new features designed to help your team work faster:
- Read-only channels and channel moderation settings (E20) (beta) – create channels where only authorized members can post messages
- Team switch shortcuts – switch teams with new keyboard shortcuts and drag to reorder teams in the sidebar for increased productivity
- Unarchive channels – restore archived channels directly through the Mattermost interface instead of relying on the CLI or API
- Confluence plugin – receive notifications in Mattermost channels whenever Atlassian Confluence pages get new comments or updates
- Channel organization improvements (experimental) – reduce distractions and increase productivity with more control over how channels appear in your sidebar
Try these new features by downloading Mattermost 5.22 today. Since it includes security updates, upgrading is recommended.
Note: Releases with even minor version numbers (e.g., “5.22”) are feature releases that offer the fastest access to the latest features. The next release will be a quality release, which is an odd minor version release (e.g., “5.23”) that will offer bug fixes and performance improvements.
Thanks for all community contributions this month and in particular our 5.22 Most Valued Professional (MVP), Tim Estermann (@der_test), for various contributions, including making nearly 900 text changes to fix app error messages and helping maintain the Mattermost German translation. Thank you, Tim!
Read-only channels and other channel moderation settings (E20) (beta)
System admins can use new channel-specific permissions to create read-only channels, restrict who can post in certain channels, and more.
This feature, which is in beta, ships with Enterprise Edition E20, and enables you to:
- Create read-only announcement channels where channel admins can share important announcements
- Disable channel mentions (e.g, @channel, @here, and @all) on very large channels to prevent users from alerting and notifying all other users at once
- Lock down members in a channel by only allowing the channel admin to add or remove users
You can enable these settings by going to the Channel Configuration page in the System Console and scrolling down to the Channel Moderation section.
Increase productivity with multi-team usability improvements
Members of multiple Mattermost teams will enjoy a more productive experience thanks to the following usability improvements that were highly requested by our community:
- Use keyboard shortcuts to switch teams faster. Switch to the next or previous team using Ctrl/⌘ + Alt + Up/Down and switch to a specific team using Ctrl/⌘ + Alt + #.
- Drag to reorder teams in the sidebar. You can now drag the teams they work in most often to the top of the sidebar, making it easier to focus on what’s most important.
Huge thanks to Rakesh Peela for helping with the team drag-and-drop feature!
Unarchive channels directly from the Mattermost interface
Mattermost users can now restore archived channels without leaving the Mattermost interface.
In Mattermost 5.18, we added the ability to view archived channels. Previously, system admins could unarchive channels via the CLI and team admins could restore them via the API.
Now, any Mattermost user can unarchive a channel in just a few clicks.
Many thanks to Allen Lai (@allenlai18) for completing a long-standing request from our community.
Learn more about organizing conversations in Mattermost.
Extend Mattermost with the new Confluence plugin
For all the dev teams that use Atlassian Confluence to keep track of requirements and product plans as features get built, we have a new plugin that automatically routes notifications from Confluence to Mattermost.
The new plugin, which works in environments with multiple Confluence servers, enables you to subscribe to a variety of events in Confluence and specify which channels the associated notifications will appear in.
After typing `/confluence subscribe` in a channel, you will be able to specify which events in Confluence trigger a notification (e.g., add, update, delete, and comment). You can also opt to track changes across a Space or on specific pages only.
Note: The Confluence plugin will become available in the Plugin Marketplace shortly after v5.22 ships.
Reduce distractions with new experimental channel sidebar features
Join us in testing an experimental feature set that offers additional functionality for reducing distractions and managing channels in your sidebar.
After admins enable the experimental config setting, users will have the ability to:
- Collapse categories in the sidebar (e.g., favorites, public channels, private channels, and direct messages) to reduce unnecessary scrolling
- Catch up on all your unread channels with a one-click unreads filter
- Navigate recently viewed channels more easily with arrows to move back and forth through channel history in the desktop app
Learn more about the new experimental sidebar features or give us feedback.
Thank you to our contributors
abdulsmapara, Adovenmuehle, aeomin, agarciamontoro, AGMETEOR, agnivade, ali-farooq0, allenlai18, ami9000, amyblais, amynicol1985, angeloskyratzakos, AninditaBasu, apoxa, asaadmahmood, ashishbhate, ashwanisng, avasconcelos114, bakurits, Better-Boy, bhuvana-guna, bolariin, bradjcoughlin, catalintomai, caugner, checkaayush, chetanyakan, chikei, chuttam, cometkim, comharris, compiledsound, cpanato, cpoile, crspeller, ctlaltdieliet, deanwhillier, der-test, devinbinnie, DHaussermann, DSchalla, Durgaprasad-Budhwani, ebiiim, enahum, enelson720, ericjaystevens, ethervoid, faase, fedealconada, flynbit, fm2munsh, gabrieljackson, gruceqq, grundleborg, gsagula, hahmadia, hannaparks, hanzei, haydenhw, hectorskypl, hiendinhngoc, HilaryClarke, hmhealey, iamsayantan, iomodo, isacikgoz, it33, JanhaviC15, jasonblais, jaydeland, jespino, jfrerich, joewaitye, johnthompson365, josephbaylon, josephk96, JtheBAB, jupenur, justinegeffen, jwilander, kaakaa, kajumito, Kaya_Zeren, kosgrz, larkox, levb, lfbrock, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, Lumexralph, M-ZubairAhmed, MarcoAlejandro, marianunez, MatthewDorner, meilon, metanerd, mgdelacroix, michaelschiffmm, mickmister, migbot, mkraft, mlongo4290, mo2menelzeiny, msvbhat, MuLx10, nadalfederer, natalie-hub, NeroBurner, nevyangelova, phillipahereza, Pomyk, potaito, prasoonmayank, promulo, rakhi2104, rbradleyhaas, reflog, rodcorsi, RohitJain13, sadohert, saturninoabril, sbis04, sbishel, shadabk96, shibasisp, sibashisbishi, someone-somenet-org, sowmiyamuthuraman, srkgupta, streamer45, stylianosrigas, sudheerDev, svelle, teyotan, TheoVitkovskiy, thePanz, thnat1234, Ths2-9Y-LqJt6, TQuock, uhlhosting, upwell, vespian, wget, wiersgallak, wiggin77, Willyfrog
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Mattermost Enterprise E10 and E20 are commercial versions of Mattermost designed for high-trust organizations and include upgrade and installation support. For more information on features and pricing, visit mattermost.com/pricing.