Mattermost Release v5.25 is now available
Extended Support Release offers a new in-product enterprise trial experience and Jitsi integration for video conferencing.
Mattermost Release v5.25 is generally available today. The new Extended Support Release offers many bug fixes for increased stability (see changelog for details) as well as the following new features:
Enterprise Edition
- In-product trial experience for premium enterprise features
- AD/LDAP Group Sync feature now Generally Available (E20 edition)
Enterprise and Team Edition
In-product Trial Experience for Premium Enterprise Features
You can now enable all of the premium enterprise features as a trial for thirty days. In the System Console, navigate to the Edition and License page and click Start trial. Mattermost will automatically fetch your trial license and apply it to your server to give you instant access to premium capabilities such as:
- Easier user and group management with Active Directory/LDAP and group sync
- Simple, single sign-on login with SAML 2.0
- Advanced permission policies, including the ability to invite guests from outside your organization
Note: The “Start trial” option only appears in Enterprise Edition deployments that do not yet have an Enterprise subscription. If you are using the open source Team Edition, you will need to upgrade to Enterprise Edition before you can add a trial license.
AD/LDAP Group Sync feature now Generally Available (E20 edition)
The AD/LDAP Group Sync feature, which allows you to use your AD/LDAP groups to manage memberships of teams and channels, has officially moved out of Beta to General Availability. This feature was originally released in 5.12 and has been iterated on with your input.
Learn more about AD/LDAP Group Sync.
Jitsi Integration for Video Conferencing and Screen Sharing
Mattermost now offers an integration with Jitsi, a leading open-source video conferencing product, for a seamless video conferencing and screen sharing experience within Mattermost. You can now launch a new Jitsi video conferencing meeting with a single click or with a /jitsi command. You can embed Jitsi meetings as a floating window inside Mattermost and optionally run Jitsi on-premises to fully control the privacy of your data flowing through Jitsi and Mattermost.
The plugin is pre-configured to use a public Jitsi service (meet.jit.si) for you to get started in two easy steps: install from the plugin marketplace, then enable the plugin. Optionally, you can connect Mattermost to a self-hosted Jitsi server and configure it to use JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication.
Learn more about the Jitsi plugin.
Enhanced Welcomebot Plugin (version 1.2)
The Welcomebot plugin provides a custom message to your users when they enter Mattermost. With the new version, you have the ability to preview welcome messages. With Welcomebot, you can also show a channel-specific welcome message to users when they join a channel, so they do not need to scroll to the top of the channel to get context.
Learn more about the Welcomebot plugin.
Thank you, Contributors!
Our thanks go out to all community contributors this month and in particular our v5.25 Most Valued Professional (MVP), Rodrigo Villablanca, who has made 79 lifetime contributions to the Mattermost project. Thank you for your continued contributions, Rodrigo!
aaronrothschild, Adovenmuehle, aeomin, agarciamontoro, agnivade, ahmaddanialmohd, ali-farooq0, amyblais, angeloskyratzakos, asaadmahmood, ashishbhate, Ashniu123, attilamolnar, avasconcelos114, bbodenmiller, bradjcoughlin, brunoro, CEOehis, checkaayush, chikei, chuttam, clarmso, corey-robinson, cpanato, cpoile, craigwillis-mm, crspeller, ctlaltdieliet, danger89, DanielSz50, dantepippi, davebarkerxyz, deanwhillier, der-test, devinbinnie, DHaussermann, dpanic, emilyhollinger, enahum, enelson720, ericjaystevens, esethna, ethervoid, Extazx2, faase, fakela, farah, fedealconada, FlaviaBastos, flynbit, fmunshi, gabrieljackson, gigawhitlocks, GrigalashviliT, GrSto, gruceqq, grundleborg, gsagula, hahmadia, hanzei, harshilsharma63, hectorgabucio, hectorskypl, HilaryClarke, hmhealey, iomodo, isacikgoz, it33, jasonblais, jespino, jfrerich, johnthompson365, josephbaylon, jseiser, jupenur, justinegeffen, jwilander, kaakaa, kadir96, kayazeren, khos2ow, larkox, levb, lfbrock, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, liusy182, lynn915, marianunez, meilon, metanerd, mgdelacroix, michaelschiffmm, mickmister, migbot, mitchellroe, mkraft, mlongo4290, natalie-hub, nathanaelhoun, nevyangelova, nickmisasi, nperera, octoquad, prapti, promehul, Qovaros, rahimrahman, rbradleyhaas, reflog, rodcorsi, Roy-Orbison, rvillablanca, saturninoabril, sbishel, srkgupta, streamer45, stylianosrigas, sudheerDev, svelle, TheDarkestDay, thefactremains, thePanz, uhlhosting, waqasraz, weblate, wget, wiersgallak, wiggin77, will7200, Willyfrog, ztrayner
Upgrade to Mattermost Release 5.25
To upgrade your existing server to the new release, go here. If you’re new to Mattermost, register for a 30-day trial of Enterprise Edition (E20).