Mattermost release v5.30 is now available
New feature release offers Incident Management out-of-the-box, a new MS Teams meetings plugin, configuration of new administrator roles from the System Console, and improvements to the Matterpoll plugin.
Mattermost v5.30 is generally available today; the release includes the following new features:
Enterprise Edition
- Incident Management provided out-of-the-box (E20 Edition)
- Microsoft Teams Meetings Plugin (Beta – E20 Edition)
- Configure New Admin Roles Permissions in the System Console (Beta – E20 Edition)
All Editions
Incident Management provided out-of-the-box (E20 Edition)
Incident Management is tailored for DevOps collaboration and workflow orchestration during time-sensitive incident response scenarios. Built-in playbook and developer tool integrations reduce time to resolution and provide process clarity and ownership. This includes functionality such as shared incident task list tracking, and exporting channel messages to CSV for post-mortem analysis and archive. Incident Management and Channel Export were previously available in the Plugin Marketplace and are now pre-installed out-of-the-box to further simplify deployment.
Learn more about Mattermost Incident Management.
Microsoft Teams meeting plugin (Beta – E20 Edition)
For organizations using Microsoft Teams as their voice and video call solution for non-technical users, this new plugin allows Mattermost users to create and join a Teams meeting with a single click from any Mattermost channel or Direct Message. This plugin is available for Mattermost Cloud Professional and Enterprise editions, as well as self-managed E20 edition customers in the Plugin Marketplace.
Learn more about the Microsoft Teams integration.
Configure new admin roles permissions in the System Console (Beta – E20 Edition)
Mattermost recently released three new pre-built granular administrator roles to enable you to selectively delegate administrative tasks to other members of your organization. The three new roles are System Manager, User Manager, and Read-only Admin. Now you can configure specific permissions for these roles directly from the System Console.
Prior to v5.28, the System Admin role was the only administrator role and granted full access to the System Console and all administrative functions (via the API and command line). This single administrator role meant that to delegate administrative tasks, you needed to grant full access to another member of your team.
With the three new administrator roles, you can selectively delegate duties related to support, user management, reporting, and plugin management to trusted team members without granting them full access. For example, you can use the new roles to do the following:
- Grant read-only access to the System Console
- Grant access to manage authentication and access control systems such as AD/LDAP, SAML, etc.
- Delegate administrative tasks and user management
- Grant access to compliance reports and controls
- Delegate plugin management
Learn more about new admin roles.
Measure team sentiment with Matterpoll (all editions)
Polls are a popular Mattermost feature allowing teams to vote on issues or share their thoughts on questions such as Should we push back the release? and What’s the most important metric for Project A? Matterpoll makes polling teammates easy with a slash command /poll
that can be run in any channel and offers multiple voting options. It can be installed via the Plugin Marketplace from the Main Menu.
Learn more about the Matterpoll options. (After you’ve installed the plugin, you can also lean more by typing /poll help
Deprecation of PostgreSQL v9.x (All Editions)
PostgreSQL v9.x is now officially deprecated. PostgreSQL ended long-term support for version 9.4 in February 2020. As of Mattermost v5.26, we officially support PostgreSQL versions 10 and higher. Previous Mattermost versions, including our current v5.25 ESR, will continue to be compatible with PostgreSQL 9.4.
Please follow the instructions under the Upgrading Section within the PostgreSQL documentation.
Thank you to our contributors
Thanks for all community contributions this month and, in particular, our v5.30 Most Valued Professional (MVP), @XxLilBoPeepsxX, who has contributed over 90 responses to help with Mattermost community issues on Discourse. Thank you for your continued contributions, @XxLilBoPeepsxX!
adamjclarkson, aeomin, agarciamontoro, agnivade, akshaychhajed, Ampit, amyblais, angeloskyratzakos, Ant0wan, antifarben, anurag6713, ashishbhate, AugustasV, avasconcelos114, BenCookie95, bhargav50, ByeongsuPark, calebroseland, CandyZack, catalintomai, chikei, cinlloc, coltoneshaw, cpanato, cpoile, crspeller, ctlaltdieliet, cwarnermm, dalcde, daniel-shuy, danielsischy, darkLord19, DavidePrincipi, deanwhillier, der-test, devinbinnie, dizkek, drraghavendra, egrinberg, eltociear, emilyhollinger, enahum, enelson720, erezo9, esethna, ethervoid, FalseHonesty, flynbit, fmunshi, gabrieljackson, gigawhitlocks, GodlikePenguin, gruceqq, grundleborg, haardikdharma10, hack3r-0m, hahmadia, hannaparks, hanzei, harryfromwork, hectorgabucio, hectorskypl, hmhealey, icy-meteor, iomodo, isacikgoz, it33, jasonblais, jecepeda, JeremyShih, jespino, jfrerich, jials, johnsonbrothers, jomaxro, josephbaylon, jrepe, jupenur, justinegeffen, jwilander, kaakaa, kaiwalyakoparkar, kayazeren, kichloo, KuSh, larkox, lawrencejohnson, lestgabo, levb, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, lindy65, lucianomagrao, lynn915, Manimaran11, marianunez, maticbasle, mbouzada, meilon, metanerd, mgdelacroix, mickmister, migbot, MikeworX, mkraft, mlongo4290, morganrconnolly, msal4, muety, natalie-hub, nevyangelova, nickmisasi, nikolaizah, nronas, ogi-m, OgmaJ, pablovelezvidal, persianopencart, phntom, pikami, prithvijit-dasgupta, promulo, razum2um, rbradleyhaas, reflog, Remakh, Revanth47, rishabh710, rodcorsi, rvillablanca, sadohert, saturninoabril, Saucistophe, sbishel, seongwon-kang, SezalAgrawal, shazm, shinnlok, sowmiyamuthuraman, Spotts9, sridhar02, sstaszkiewicz-copperleaf, stafot, streamer45, stylianosrigas, sudheerDev, svelle, Szymongib, tacoelho, Tak-Iwamoto, tasdomas, thefactremains, thePanz, tianlangwu, tohn, TQuock, trishitapingolia, tw-ayush, tweichart, uhlhosting, vanya829, VolatianaYuliana, vraravam, weblate, wget, wiersgallak, wiggin77, wijayaerick, zarej, ZombiMigz
Upgrade to Mattermost Release v5.30
To upgrade your existing server to the new release, go here.
If you’re new to Mattermost, register for a 30-day trial of Enterprise Edition (E20).