Mattermost v5.34 is now available
This new feature release includes enhanced automation for Incident Collaboration, new plugins, and more.
Mattermost v5.34 is generally available today. This new release includes the following new features (see changelog for more details):
Enterprise Edition
All Editions
Incident Collaboration: Automated actions on incident start (Cloud and E20 Edition)
The first few minutes of incident response are critical. Users can now configure playbooks to automatically execute key actions when an incident is created to save time and reduce the chance of manual error. This feature can be used to immediately assemble the team by automatically assigning a commander and inviting stakeholders to the incident channel.
Over time, additional context-based automation triggers will be added, including the ability to execute actions through platform integrations and webhooks. We welcome community feedback on desired use cases and actions in our forums.
Learn more about Incident Collaboration.
New Integrations: CircleCI and Dice Roller plugins (All Editions, available in the Marketplace)
CircleCI is a modern continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform. Installing this plugin allows users to manage CircleCI pipelines directly from a Mattermost channel. The CircleCI Enterprise solution is installable inside a private cloud or on-prem data center.
The build pipeline is a critical resource for the entire development team shipping software. With the new CircleCI plugin, you can deploy features faster and streamline collaboration between teams by automating build tasks for QA and DevOps teams and by managing CircleCI pipelines without leaving Mattermost. Developers can also be notified when there is a build failure or approve build requests directly from a Mattermost channel, saving time and reducing context switching.
Learn more about this plugin in the Marketplace listing, and get started by installing the CircleCI plugin from the Plugin Marketplace in your Mattermost workspace, and configuring the integration based on these instructions. Once configured, users only need to type /circleci account connect
to get started.
Dice Roller
The Dice Roller plugin brings some randomness (and fun!) to your team’s decision-making toolset. When there’s no clear answer, you can roll the dice with your colleagues in a channel and leave outcomes to chance.
Learn more at the Marketplace listing here or get started right away by visiting the Plugin Marketplace in your Mattermost workspace, type “Dice Roller” in the search box, click “install” and start rolling! For example, roll a standard 6-sided die by typing in /roll 6
in any channel.
Bulgarian and Swedish language support
Mattermost is now available in Bulgarian and Swedish. Huge thank you to our community, particularly Nikolai Zahariev and Martin Johnson! Благодаря ти! Tack så mycket!
Mattermost is now available in 18 languages, and our community is currently working on several other translations including Vietnamese, Hungarian, Czech, and more.
If you’re interested in translating Mattermost into a new language, we’d love your help. Please stop by translate.mattermost.com and join the Mattermost localization channel to get started!
A few reminders
The platform
binary and --platform flag
will be deprecated from the Mattermost command line interface in a future release. If you are using the --platform flag
or using the platform
binary directly to run the Mattermost server application via a systemd file or custom script, you will be required to use only the mattermost
We’re also excited to announce that collapsed reply threads will be coming soon to Mattermost. We recommend upgrading to v5.29.2 or later in preparation for the release of this feature. Collapsed reply threads modify how messages and threads are stored in the database. Upgrading now will ensure your threads are being handled correctly on the backend for a seamless transition when collapsed reply threads become available.
Thank you to our contributors
Thanks for all community contributions this month and, in particular, our v5.34 Most Valued Professional (MVP), @darkLord19, who helped lay the groundwork for custom status feature and has been working on a DND timer/schedule feature, with 22 lifetime contributions. Thank you for your continued contributions, @darkLord19!
abdullahceylan, aconitumnapellus, Adovenmuehle, aeomin, agarciamontoro, aggmoulik, AGMETEOR, agnivade, amyblais, amynicol1985, angeloskyratzakos, anurag6713, appleboy, asaadmahmood, asimsedhain, bbodenmiller, BenCookie95, berkeka, BharatKalluri, calebroseland, catalintomai, chenilim, chetanyakan, chikei, christian-lim, coltoneshaw, cpanato, cpoile, Crimson-riot, crspeller, ctlaltdieliet, cwarnermm, CyrilLD, danielsischy, deanwhillier, devinbinnie, djanda97, ebati, enahum, enelson720, esethna, ethervoid, firasm, flexo3001, flynbit, furqanmlk, gabrieljackson, gigawhitlocks, gruceqq, haardikdharma10, hahmadia, hanzei, haonm, hastadhana, hectorskypl, hmhealey, ianatha, icelander, IndushaS, iomodo, isacikgoz, it33, jamiehurewitz, jasonblais, jaydeland, jbutler992, jbutlerdev, jespino, jfrerich, jials, johnsonbrothers, josephbaylon, jp0707, JtheBAB, justinegeffen, jwilander, kaakaa, kayazeren, khos2ow, larkox, lawrencejohnson, levb, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, lucievr, lutfuahmet, Maekes, mahmud2011, mantlecurve, matt-w99, matthewbirtch, maxerenberg, metanerd, mgdelacroix, michelengelen, mickmister, microolapshare, migbot, minecraftchest1, mistikel, mkdbns, mkraft, mlongo4290, mrtpcet, msal4, Mshahidtaj, natalie-hub, nathanaelhoun, nevyangelova, nronas, ogi-m, opr77, pablovelezvidal, pat-s, phntom, pidgelar, potatogim, prapti, Prescise, proffalken, r-52, rakhi2104, rbradleyhaas, reflog, renjithgr, rodcorsi, saf6260, sakaitsu, saturninoabril, sbishel, shazm, spirosoik, stafot, streamer45, stylianosrigas, svelle, Szymongib, thePanz, toto6038, tsabi, uhlhosting, wget, wiersgallak, wiggin77, Willyfrog, xlanor, YoheiZuho, youtsumi, zefhemel, Zukerherr
Upgrade to Mattermost Release 5.34
To upgrade your existing server to the new release, go here. Review the Important Upgrade Notes to make sure you are aware of any actions you need to take before or after upgrading from your particular version.
If you’re new to Mattermost, register for a 30-day trial of Enterprise Edition (E20).