Mattermost 5.14: Accessibility improvements, enhanced Jira integration, LDAP group sync upgrade, and more
Mattermost 5.14 includes several new features that will help your team work more effectively:
- Accessibility improvements – enjoy a more productive Mattermost experience with screen reader and keyboard navigation enhancements
- Enhanced Jira integration – get more done without leaving Mattermost using our deeper Jira integration
- LDAP group management upgrade – manage teams and channel membership via LDAP group sync directly in the System Console
- Read unread messages faster – save time finding unread messages on the web app as users are now automatically positioned at the oldest post they haven’t seen when they open a channel
Try these new features by downloading Mattermost 5.14 today. Since it includes security updates, upgrading is recommended.
As a brief reminder, we will be dropping support for IE11 effective with the release of Mattermost 5.16, which ships on October 16, 2019. Find more information here.
Thanks for all community contributions this month and in particular our 5.14 MVP, Rodrigo Villablanca, who contributed to our Sync Store campaign. This brings his total lifetime contributions to Mattermost up to 49. Thank you, Rodrigo!
Keyboard navigation and screen reader improvements
Using Mattermost is now even easier thanks to improved keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility improvements.
New accessibility improvements enable you to move between app regions—like the post list, channel sidebar, and header—using F6 on the Desktop App and CTRL-F6 on a web browser. You can also use TAB, arrow keys, and ENTER to interact with buttons, links, and other elements in Mattermost.
These navigational improvements are beneficial to Mattermost power users looking to increase efficiency as well as visually impaired users.
Additionally, screen readers are now much more compatible with Mattermost. Buttons, links, and app regions now have accurate readouts that enable visually impaired users to use Mattermost productively with screen readers.
Head over to our docs for more information.
Get even more done in Mattermost with a deeper Jira integration
Our deeper Jira integration delivers a number of new capabilities that will help your team get more done in less time, including:
- A dedicated Jira channel that automatically notifies you of any updates, assignments, and incoming comments, keeping all of your Jira information in one place without forcing you to rely on email notifications to stay on top of updates.
- The ability to easily send notifications from one project to a specific Mattermost channel. Now, channel admins can configure notifications sent to a channel based on specific Jira projects and triggering events; admins no longer need to manually set up webhook notifications on behalf of users to enable this functionality.
- Slash commands that let you create, manage, and view Jira issues and control your notification preferences.
For more information, head over to GitHub.
Manage LDAP groups directly in the System Console
Admins now have another option for managing teams and channels with LDAP group sync.
In addition to using CLI group commands that shipped with Mattermost 5.12, administrators can now manage teams and channel membership with LDAP group sync directly in the System Console on new Team and Channels pages.
Check out our docs for more.
Find unread messages faster when you open a channel
Catch up on messages you missed quickly without having to scroll thanks as the oldest unread post now automatically displays when you open a channel.
Now, when there are unread messages in a channel, it will open at the new messages line—regardless of how many unread posts have been made since you viewed the channel last.
Webinar: Powering Jira Workflows with Real-Time Messaging
Mattermost offers a deep two-way integration with Jira, which allows DevOps teams to send Jira notifications to and from multiple channels to accelerate workflows and streamline collaboration.
Join Mattermost’s Aaron Rothschild, senior product manager of integrations, and John Thompson, solution architect, for a free webinar where they’ll demonstrate the Mattermost Jira integration and then take questions for the audience.
The webinar starts at 2 p.m. ET on Thursday, Aug. 22. Register for the webinar here.
Thank you to our contributors
a-arias, aaronrothschild, aayushbisen, adzimzf, aeomin, AGMETEOR, alejandrosame, ali-farooq0, alxsah, amyblais, asaadmahmood, bbodenmiller, bnoggle, bradjcoughlin, chikei, comharris, cpanato, cpoile, crspeller, deanwhillier, der-test, devinbinnie, DSchalla, elyscape, enahum, esethna, eshyong, gabrieljackson, gruceqq, grundleborg, gupsho, hanzei, hectorskypl, hmhealey, hvhallmann, Hyaxia, Inconnu08, irbrad, it33, jasonblais, jesperhansen17, jespino, jfrerich, johnthompson365, Jonany, joshuabezaleel, justinegeffen, jwilander, kaakaa, Kaya_Zeren, keaton185, kosgrz, krjn, Lena, levb, lfbrock, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, lpadgett, lurcio, manland, marianunez, mattermost-build, meilon, mgdelacroix, mickmister, migbot, mjthomp95, mkraft, mlongo4290, mounicapaladugu, mzaks, noxer, ollykel, PeterDaveHello, phillipahereza, piperRyan, Rajakavitha1, RajatVaryani, rajiv-k, reflog, rexredinger, rodcorsi, rvillablanca, saturninoabril, scottleedavis, Selimix, SezalAgrawal, srkgupta, steevsachs, streamer45, stylianosrigas, sudheerDev, svelle, tapaswenipathak, tekminewe, thekiiingbob, thePanz, ulhosting, VolatianaYuliana, wget, wiersgallak, Willyfrog
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