Mattermost Platform

Mattermost 5.19: Webex plugin, faster development cycles with GitLab, 1-click Mattermost install on DigitalOcean, and more

Mattermost 5.19 includes new features that will help your team work together more efficiently:

Try these new features by downloading Mattermost 5.19 today. Since it includes security updates, upgrading is recommended.

Thanks for all community contributions this month and in particular our 5.19 MVP, Allen Lai (@allenlai18), for various contributions, including a plugin that lets you read the post text as a Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP), bringing his total lifetime contributions to Mattermost up to 17. Thank you, Allen!

Launch and join Webex meetings directly from Mattermost

Extend Mattermost with a new Webex Cloud plugin that lets your team start and join voice and video meetings and use screen sharing without leaving the Mattermost interface.

Once the plugin is installed and enabled, a meeting icon will appear near the top right-hand corner of Mattermost. Hosts can simply click the icon (or use the slash command `/webex start`) and a meeting will automatically launch; users will then be prompted to click a “Join Meeting” button to participate.

Head over to GitHub to learn more about the Webex Cloud plugin.

Speed up DevOps cycles with GitLab and Mattermost 

Enterprise development teams are under an increasing amount of pressure to ship software faster. This is why more and more teams are adopting DevOps and ChatOps workflows—and using GitLab and Mattermost together to support these efforts.

Mattermost is packaged with GitLab Omnibus, giving enterprise dev teams access to a robust DevOps tool chain and an extensible open source messaging and ChatOps platform. 

Using the Mattermost GitLab plugin, teams can automatically route reminders and notifications from GitLab to relevant Mattermost channels, subscribe to projects, and keep tabs on reviews, unread messages, assignments, and open merge requests through convenient sidebar buttons.

Mattermost GitLab

Add it all up, and Mattermost and GitLab enable teams to bring their processes into the same chat interface they are already using to discuss issues, collaborate, and make decisions—shortening the development lifecycle that much more.

Learn more about how enterprise development teams can use GitLab and Mattermost to build better software faster.

Create a Mattermost instance in one click on a DigitalOcean Droplet

We’re happy to announce that companies can now get up and running with a self-hosted Mattermost instance in less than one minute thanks to our new 1-Click App, available on the DigitalOcean Marketplace.

Learn more about the DigitalOcean Droplet.

Mattermost Droplet

Help build new Mattermost bots in our upcoming hackathon

We’re hosting a Mattermost Bot Hackfest next month on HackerEarth and would love for you to join in on the fun!

The goal of this hackathon is to create bots that bring ChatOps to the heart of the leading open source DevOps platform, Mattermost. You have the opportunity to create an open source bot that is used by millions of people from small teams to large enterprises—and make a lasting impact on the DevOps community. 

Let’s create something amazing together!

We’ll be awarding prizes to all participants. Everyone who makes a qualified submission will receive a Mattermost swag kit, which includes a Mattermost-branded hackathon t-shirt, a hat, programmable NFC stickers, a water bottle, socks, and other stickers. 

We’ll also be awarding monetary prizes to the top three contributors:

  • First prize – $3,000
  • Second prize – $2,000
  • Third prize – $1,000

The idea phase of the contest runs through Jan. 31, and the hackathon kicks off Feb. 7.

Learn more about the Bot Hackfest and how to register.

Add live chat or chatbots to your website using Mattermost

Incorporating live chat and chatbots into your website can help increase conversions, accelerate sales cycles, improve customer retention, and more.

Now it’s easy to add live chat or chatbots to your website using Mattermost thanks to a new widget developed by the Hybrid.Chat team.

Read more about live chat using Mattermost.

Extended Support Release

Mattermost 5.19 is an Extended Support Release (ESR)

If your organization values stability over having the newest features—or you require long internal testing and certification processes before upgrading—you may want to consider opting for ESR editions of Mattermost, which ship bi-annually and include new features that have had time to stabilize over the previous several months.

Some of our customers had expressed their desire to upgrade Mattermost less frequently. So, in 2018, we announced that Mattermost 4.10 was our first ESR, supported with security backports for up to a year. Since then, we’ve updated our ESR schedule to provide two ESRs per year—one in January and one in July. Each ESR will be supported for nine months so that customers have enough time to upgrade to the next version.

To this end, we will be maintaining Mattermost 5.9, our previous ESR, through April 15, 2020.

Learn more about Mattermost Extended Support Releases.

In case you missed it. . . 

Thank you to our contributors

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aaronrothschild, abdusabri, abhisek, aeomin, AGMETEOR, agnivade, ali-farooq0, allenlai18, alxsah, amyblais, anidok, AninditaBasu, asaadmahmood, ashishbhate, avegrv, benbhall, bpietraga, bradjcoughlin, calebroseland, catalintomai, chikei, ChrisDobby, comharris, cpanato, cpoile, crspeller, darkestofdans, der-test, devinbinnie, DSchalla, enahum, ethervoid, faase, fm2munsh, gabrieljackson, gigawhitlocks, gopheros, gruceqq, gsagula, gupsho, hahmadia, hannaparks, hanzei, hectorskypl, hmhealey, icelander, igomonov88, ilgooz, imisshtml, iomodo, isacikgoz, jasonblais, jaydeland, jespino, jfrerich, jimiolaniyan, JtheBAB, justinegeffen, jwilander, kaakaa, Kaya_Zeren, kop, kosgrz, larkox, Lena, lenucksi, levb, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, lurcio, M-ZubairAhmed, MariadeAnton, marianunez, mavegaf, meilon, metanerd, mgdelacroix, michaelschiffmm, mickmister, migbot, mkraft, mlongo4290, Mycobee, nadalfederer, natalie-hub, nevyangelova, nick-brady, phillipahereza, Pomyk, RajatVaryani, ramkumarvenkat, reflog, renilJoseph, rodcorsi, saneletm, saturninoabril, sbishel, sij507, smacgregor, src-r-r, srkgupta, streamer45, stylianosrigas, sudheerDev, sunsingerus, svelle, themaverikk, thePanz, tomasmik, TQuock, uhlhosting, valentijnnieman, wget, wiersgallak, wiggin77, Willyfrog, zujko

Install or upgrade Mattermost

New to Mattermost? Download it for free or sign up for a 30-day trial of Enterprise Edition (E20).

Find help updating to the latest version of Mattermost here

For more help on configuring Mattermost, please review our administrator’s guide.

Enterprise E10 and E20

Mattermost Enterprise E10 and E20 are commercial versions of Mattermost designed for high-trust organizations and include upgrade and installation support. For more information on features and pricing, visit

Read more about:


Lindsay Brock is the former Head of Product for Mattermost, Inc. Prior to joining Mattermost in January 2015, she served as a product manager for SpinPunch, a Y Combinator-backed online gaming startup. Lindsay is an alumnus of the University of Waterloo, where she earned a bachelor of applied science degree in engineering.