Mattermost 5.21: ChatOps integration with AWS, GitLab, and CodeShip, and more

Mattermost 5.21 includes improvements that will help your team work together more effectively.
Some of these improvements, including the following ChatOps integration and plugins, were built during our successful open source chatbot hackfest that brought together 2,000 contributors from around the world:
- ChatOps integration with AWS, GitLab, and CodeShip – accelerate DevOps workflows with a new open source chatbot that connects AWS, GitLab, and CodeShip with Mattermost
- Mattermost DigitalOcean plugin – create, rename, and reboot DigitalOcean droplets directly in Mattermost
- Netlify chatbot plugin – route Netlify notifications to Mattermost and initiate commands, including deploying and rolling back builds
- Faster mobile experience – increase productivity on the go with faster first load times and channel switch times on iOS and Android with our updated mobile apps
Try these new features by downloading Mattermost 5.21 today. Since it includes security updates, upgrading is recommended.
Note: Odd minor version releases (e.g., “5.21”) are quality releases that offer bug fixes and performance improvements. The next release will be an even minor version release (e.g., “5.22”) that will offer the fastest access to new features.
Thanks for all community contributions this month and in particular our 5.21 MVP, Allan Guwatudde (@aguwatudde), for various contributions, including several updates to our Jira plugin, bringing his total lifetime contributions to Mattermost up to 22. Thank you, Allan!
Connect AWS, GitLab, and CodeShip with Mattermost with a new integration
During our hackfest, Dhruman Bhadeshiya (@dkbhadeshiya), Hemang Pravinbhai Kothari, and Amitkumar H. Bhimani built a chatbot that integrates Mattermost with AWS, GitLab, and CodeShip to accelerate DevOps workflows.
Some of the key features of this integration include:
- Routing notifications from CodeShip to Mattermost, notifying users when a build starts, succeeds, or fails
- Starting, stopping, and rebooting AWS instances and scale EC2 instances on the fly
- Checking whether specific commits have deployed and fetching the build data via GitLab and CodeShip APIs
Check out the repository for more on this chatbot.
Create, rename, and reboot DigitalOcean droplets in Mattermost
Huge thanks to Phillip Ahereza (@phillipAhereza) and Allan Guwatudde (@guwats) for building a new DigitalOcean plugin during our hackfest!
The plugin is filled with several powerful features, including the ability to:
- Create, rename, and reboot DigitalOcean droplets in Mattermost
- Retrieve a list of all of the domains in your team
- Add, retrieve, and delete SSH keys
- Retrieve a list of all database clusters and their backups
- Add, list, and delete database users
- List Kubernetes clusters and nodes
- Retrieve cluster kubeconfig files
Learn more about the DigitalOcean plugin.
Deploy and rollback new Netlify builds in Mattermost
One more highlight from the hackfest: Major thanks to Zubair Ahmed (@Md_ZubairAhmed), who built a Netlify plugin that enables users to:
- Retrieve information from Netlify, including name, URL, domain, and repository data
- Deploy and rollback new Netlify builds
- Route build notifications from Netlify through Mattermost
For more on the Netlify plugin, head over to GitHub.
Faster channel load and switch times on mobile
We’ve heard your feedback and performance is now a top priority for our mobile team.
To this end, we’ve significantly improved how quickly channels load when you open the app and when you switch between them on both Android and iOS. Now you can read Mattermost content faster when you’re on the go.
Looking ahead, mobile performance is something we’re still working on. There are more improvements to come—especially on Android.
In case you missed it. . .
- Mattermost 5.20: New mobile editor, desktop dark theme, and more
- Mattermost helps Worldline bring a global team together, accelerate knowledge-sharing, and increase developer productivity
- On Hermes and Mattermost
- Monitoring a multi-cluster environment using Prometheus federation and Grafana
- Go: Idiomatic error handling
- Localizing Matterpoll
- Accelerate DevOps workflows with the Mattermost Jira integration
Thank you to our contributors
adamjclarkson, Adovenmuehle, aeomin, AGMETEOR, agnivade, ajh3, ali-farooq0, allenlai18, ami9000, amyblais, andreiavrammsd, AninditaBasu, Apollo9999, asaadmahmood, ashishbhate, asutosh97, avasconcelos114, bbodenmiller, bolariin, bradjcoughlin, catalintomai, checkaayush, chikei, chuttam, comharris, cpanato, cpoile, crspeller, ctlaltdieliet, ctmusicnz, darkdebo, deanwhillier, der-test, devinbinnie, DHaussermann, dkbhadeshiya, dlclark, DSchalla, emilioicai, enahum, enelson720, esethna, ethervoid, faase, flynbit, fm2munsh, gabrieljackson, gigawhitlocks, gruceqq, grundleborg, hahmadia, hanzei, hectorskypl, hmhealey, ikeohachidi, iomodo, isacikgoz, it33, J35u527, jasonblais, jasonlanderson, jaydeland, jespino, jfrerich, johnthompson365, josephbaylon, joshuabezaleel, justinegeffen, jwilander, kaakaa, Kaya_Zeren, khos2ow, larkox, lawikip, Lena, levb, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, M-ZubairAhmed, marianunez, matthewbirtch, meilon, metanerd, mgdelacroix, michaelschiffmm, mickmister, migbot, mkraft, mlongo4290, nadalfederer, natalie-hub, nevyangelova, njkevlani, nmlc, opllama2, phillipahereza, promulo, RajatVaryani, ramkumarrn, rbradleyhaas, reflog, rodcorsi, Rulikkk, RyanCommits, s3than, saturninoabril, sbishel, sowmiyamuthuraman, srkgupta, streamer45, strtw, stylianosrigas, sudheerDev, svelle, thePanz, theriverman, Ths2-9Y-LqJt6, TQuock, uhlhosting, Unkn0wnCat, vesari, vespian, vovapi, wget, wiersgallak, Willyfrog
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