Mattermost 5.5: Web conferencing integration, Hacktoberfest contributions and more
Mattermost 5.5 includes several new features and improvements that will help your team get more done in less time:
- Web conferencing integration – launch video and audio calls, share screens, collaborate via whiteboard and more thanks to a new BigBlueButton integration
- Hacktoberfest contributions – experience several new improvements to the Mattermost project from open source contributors around the world who helped make Hacktoberfest a huge success
- Platform improvements – enjoy a smoother Mattermost experience thanks to several platform improvements
Try these new features by downloading Mattermost 5.5 today.
Thanks for all community contributions this month and in particular our 5.5 MVP, Mukul Rawat, who created several new CLI commands and more, bringing his total lifetime contributions to Mattermost up to eight. Thank you, Mukul!
Launch video calls directly from Mattermost
We’re happy to announce our new integration with BigBlueButton, an open source web conferencing platform.
After installing the plugin, Mattermost users will be able to:
- Invite colleagues to video and audio calls with a single click
- Create team collaboration meetups in specific channels
- Record sessions for later viewing
- Search channels for recordings
For more information, check out this blog post and the repository.
Hacktoberfest was incredible
The fifth annual Hacktoberfest was a huge success.
According to DigitalOcean, over 46,000 open source enthusiasts submitted more than 400,000 pull requests to upwards of 105,000 open source projects.
Hacktoberfest was incredible for Mattermost, too. We received 83 pull requests from more than 30 contributors—including 29 people who hadn’t contributed to the project before.
Here are some highlights of what our community contributed:
- Major refactoring by cometkim, which touches more than 100 files and thousands of lines of code changes
- Minimum server versions for plugin by hanzei
- Documenting minimum server versions for plugin API methods by hanzei
- Added entries with expiry and delete all keys for plugin KV store by Daniel Schalla
- Added group channels as part of the “more direct messages” list by Pradeep Murugesan
- A new CLI command to create incoming webhooks and a CLI command to modify incoming webhooks by Artur Mogozov
- Added user profile popover for all system messages by Anthony Morris
Huge thanks to all of you and everyone else who participated as well.
Just because Hacktoberfest is over doesn’t mean you have to wait until next year to join in on the fun.
If you’re interested in contributing to the Mattermost open source project, read this to get started, check out our open issues on GitHub and stop by our contributors’ community channel to say hello.
A smoother Mattermost experience
You’ll notice several improvements in Mattermost 5.5:
- A more enjoyable UX when trying to edit pending posts in a reply thread
- “Enable Post Formatting” no longer requires a page refresh
- Expand or collapse an image after it’s posted by clicking the arrows
Check out the changelog for more.
In case you missed it. . .
When’s the last time you browsed our blog? If it’s been a while, here’s some new content you might have missed:
- How we improved our React Native cold start for Android
- How customers save time and money with Mattermost
- Mattermost named a cool vendor in Employee Engagement and Enablement in the Digital Workplace by Gartner
Thank you to our contributors
aeomin, Akash4927, alexander-akhmetov, amogozov, amorriscode, amyblais, anchepiece, ArchRoller, asaadmahmood, avasconcelos114, Charliekenney23, charvp, chetanyakan, chikei, cjohannsen81, cobenash, cometkim, cored, coreyhulen, cpanato, crspeller, csduarte, cvitter, czertbytes, danmaas, der-test, DHaussermann, dos1701, enahum, esethna, florianeichin, fraziern, grundleborg, gupsho, gy741, hanzei, harshilsharma, harshilsharma, hmhealey, it33, jasimmons, jasonblais, JayaKrishnaNamburu, jespino, JtheBAB, JustinReynolds-MM, jwilander, kaakaa, kayazeren, KerryAlsace, klingtnet, knrt10, leblanc-simon, lfbrock, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, lindy65, lologarithm, MattMattV, meilon, mkraft, mlongo4290, mojicaj, mukulrawat1986, n7st, pichouk, pjgrizel, powhu, pradeepmurugesan, pushkyn, robert843, rodcorsi, rononline, ryoon, s4kh, SaashaJoshi, saturninoabril, SergeyShpak, sonasingh46, sudheerDev, thePanz, torlenor, tyvsmith, uhlhosting, uusijani, VPashkov, waseem18, wget, wiersgallak, yuya-oc
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