Mattermost v5.32 is now available
The new feature release offers a streamlined subscription renewal experience, granular incident status and task list, and custom channel categories.
Mattermost v5.32 is generally available today. The new feature release offers the following new features (see changelog for more details):
Enterprise Edition
- Granular incident statuses and centralized task list (Cloud and E20 Edition)
- Microsoft Teams Meetings plugin in GA (Cloud and E20 Edition)
- A streamlined subscription renewal experience (E10 and E20 Editions)
All Editions
Granular incident status and centralized task list (Cloud and E20 Edition)
You can now set a granular status for your incidents in the Incident Collaboration application to better communicate progress on resolving an incident. The incident status has expanded from two options — “Ongoing” or “Ended” — to include the following four options:
- Reported: An incident may have occurred but does not yet have resources assigned to investigate.
- Active: The incident has been acknowledged by a commander and response is underway.
- Resolved: The immediate risk has been mitigated but there may still be outstanding post-incident efforts.
- Archived: All incident efforts have been completed. The channel and incident history are archived to declutter the workspace but can still be referenced.
You can also now view a consolidated list of all the incident tasks to easily see all completed and upcoming tasks at a glance. You can still organize your tasks into multiple sections to help team members focus on what is at hand.
Learn more about Incident Collaboration.
Microsoft Teams Meetings plugin in GA (Cloud and E20 Edition)
If you are using Microsoft Teams as your voice and video call solution, the Teams Meetings plugin allows your end-users to create and join a Teams meeting with a single click from any Mattermost channel or Direct Message.
This plugin is available in Mattermost Cloud Professional and Enterprise editions, as well as in the self-managed E20 edition through the Plugin Marketplace. Further documentation can be found here.
A streamlined subscription renewal experience (E10 and E20 Editions)
Mattermost is introducing the ability to renew your self-managed E10 or E20 license subscription online with a credit card. This feature creates a frictionless experience to renew your subscription in a self-serve manner.
The renewal process takes place in the customer portal, where you can access your Mattermost Enterprise license and also review a historical record of your subscription purchases.
Renewing your subscription with a credit card now only takes a few minutes to complete. Watch the video below to learn more:
Custom channel categories
Mattermost now gives your end users the flexibility to organize their channels and direct messages into custom, collapsible sidebar categories so they gain full personalization of their sidebar to improve productivity, reduce clutter, and focus on what matters.
With the custom channel category feature, your end users can:
- Create custom categories in the sidebar to group channels together. Choose if each category is sorted manually (drag and drop), alphabetically, or by recent activity. Collapse categories or mute them to control noise.
- Focus their view in one click to see only unread channels in the sidebar. Alternatively, choose to group unread channels at the top of the sidebar in a separate category.
- Be more productive by accessing common channel actions directly from the sidebar, including muting, marking as read, moving, and favoriting.
Learn more about the new channel sidebar enhancements.
A few reminders
TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 have been deprecated by browser vendors. Starting in Mattermost Server v5.32 (February 16), mmctl returns an error when connected to Mattermost servers deployed with these TLS versions and System Admins will need to explicitly add a flag in their commands to continue to use them. We recommend upgrading to TLS version 1.2 or higher.
The platform
binary and --platform flag
will be deprecated in a future release. If you are using the --platform flag
or using the platform
binary directly to run the Mattermost server application via a systemd file or custom script, you will be required to use only the mattermost
Thank you to our contributors
Thanks for all community contributions this month and, in particular, our v5.32 Most Valued Professional (MVP), Yusuke Nemoto, who published 25 blog posts as a “Mattermost Integrations Advent Calendar” in December 2020. Thank you for your continued contributions, Yusuke Nemoto!
aaronrothschild, Aeiyko, aeomin, AGMETEOR, agnivade, ahmaddanialmohd, Ampit, amwolff, amyblais, angeloskyratzakos, antwigambrah, anurag6713, arjunagl, asaadmahmood, ashishbhate, aspleenic, Ayanrocks, balan2010, bbodenmiller, BenCookie95, ByeongsuPark, camgraff, chenilim, chikei, chrisfromredfin, coltoneshaw, compiledsound, coreyhulen, cpanato, cpoile, crspeller, ctlaltdieliet, cwarnermm, darkLord19, deanwhillier, devinbinnie, dmpichugin, ebroda, emilyhollinger, emskaplann, enahum, enelson720, esethna, FlipEnergy, flynbit, gabrieljackson, gigawhitlocks, gruceqq, haardikdharma10, hahmadia, hanzei, Hassall, hectorskypl, hmhealey, ialorro, iomodo, isacikgoz, it33, jasonblais, jaydeland, jespino, jfrerich, johnsonbrothers, josephbaylon, jp0707, justinegeffen, jwilander, kaakaa, kashifsoofi, kayazeren, khos2ow, koox00, kristinakvn, larkox, lawrencejohnson, levb, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, lmammino, lucievr, lynn915, madhavhugar, marianunez, maxerenberg, metanerd, mgdelacroix, mickmister, migbot, mlongo4290, moschlar, natalie-hub, nathanaelhoun, nevyangelova, nickmisasi, nikkinagar, nronas, ogi-m, onoklin, pablovelezvidal, prapti, R8s6, rbradleyhaas, reflog, rodcorsi, rolwin100, sadohert, saturninoabril, sbishel, schunka, shazm, shuang2411, SimonSimonB, srkgupta, stafot, streamer45, stylianosrigas, svenseeberg, Szymongib, thePanz, uhlhosting, vpecinka, vraravam, wf6DJd8a3xSSCZbn, wget, wiersgallak, wiggin77, Willyfrog, yukiisbored
Upgrade to Mattermost Release 5.32
To upgrade your existing server to the new release, go here.
If you’re new to Mattermost, register for a 30-day trial of Enterprise Edition (E20).