Mattermost 5.17: Incident Response alpha, a record-breaking 215 community contributions in October, and more
Mattermost 5.17 ships with new features that will help your team work together more productively:
- Incident Response Workflow (alpha) – reduce the duration of outages and security exposures with our new Incident Response Workflow application, currently in alpha
- Hacktoberfest contributions – enjoy a more robust Mattermost experience thanks to hundreds of community contributions during our biggest Hacktoberfest yet
- Enhanced Mattermost Kubernetes operator – get more control when managing Mattermost in Kubernetes with new features added to our operator
- Improved document collaboration – view and edit documents, slideshows, and spreadsheets directly in Mattermost with a new Collabora plugin
Try these new features by downloading Mattermost 5.17 today. Since it includes security updates, upgrading is recommended.
Thanks for all community contributions this month and in particular our 5.17 MVP, Andre Vasconcelos, who created the Mattermost theme page, bringing his total lifetime contributions to Mattermost up to 15. Thank you, Andre!
Join our alpha program and accelerate incident response
Does your InfoSec or DevSecOps team have the tools they need to resolve issues as quickly as possible?
We’re excited to announce the alpha release of the Mattermost Incident Response Workflow application for Enterprise Edition, supported in Mattermost 5.12 and later. The app is designed to help security teams automate repetitive tasks, connect their tools and workflows, and collaborate on incidents—all from the Mattermost interface.
Currently, the app is only available to enterprises that are part of the closed alpha program, which you can sign up for here.
The application helps teams reduce the length of outages and security exposures while decreasing resolution time with automation. It also reduces the costs associated with servicing incidents and helps teams assess and forecast threats by rapidly searching incident histories.
Learn more about this powerful new app.
Hacktoberfest 2019: 3x growth in community contributors
The sixth annual Hacktoberfest was the biggest one yet.
During the month of October, more community members submitted more contributions to Mattermost than ever before. Compared to last year, we saw a 3x increase in both community contributors (38 to 122, of which 86 were first-time contributors) and number of contributions (72 to 215).
(The specific Hacktoberfest numbers are slightly different than these charts since some of the pull requests get merged in November.)
We couldn’t be more appreciative of our community, which has consistently contributed popular features to the Mattermost project over the years.
Here are some highlights from Hacktoberfest 2019:
1. Mattermost themes
Customize the look and feel of Mattermost simply by copying and pasting any one of 27 Mattermost themes!
Huge thanks to Andre Vasconcelos (@andretitov) and Soo Hwan Kim (@soohwankim96) for their great work.
For more information, head over to the repository.
2. Drag-and-drop team icons
Drag-and-drop team icons to easily reorganize teams and navigate Mattermost more efficiently with a new feature developed by Rakesh Peela.
This feature isn’t available quite yet, as we’re still reviewing and testing it, but we plan to ship it in an upcoming release.
Great work Rakesh!
3. UI test automation framework
It’s now easier for our engineers to ensure a smooth Mattermost experience thanks to a new UI test automation framework.
Thanks to Abdulrahman (Abdu) Assabri, Abraham Arias, Clément Collin, Rob Stringer, Soo Hwan Kim, sourabkumarkeshri, and Takatoshi Iwasa for your help on this great feature.
Once again, huge thanks to everyone who participated in Hacktoberfest this year!
Just because Hacktoberfest is over doesn’t mean you have to wait until next year to contribute to Mattermost. If you’re interested in supporting the project, read the Getting Started guide, check out our open issues on GitHub, and stop by our contributors’ community channel to say hello.
To find out how our Hacktoberfest experience has evolved over time, check out our recaps of Hacktoberfest 2018, Hacktoberfest 2017, and Hacktoberfest 2016.
Improved Mattermost Kubernetes operator
In September, we announced the release of the Mattermost Operator for Kubernetes.
Since then, we’ve added more features to the operator. Now, it’s even easier to install and manage production-ready Mattermost on a Kubernetes cluster in any environment.
Some new features added to support Enterprise Edition for high availability deployment include:
- Blue-green deployments, which can reduce downtime and increase stability during automated tasks in a production environment
- Failure recovery, which lets you restart failed systems in an error-free state
- Zero-downtime upgrades, which enables you to upgrade your production system without any disruptions
- Canary builds, which makes it easier to test and stage upgrades
For more information, read the docs. Better yet, install the operator.
Collaborate on documents, slideshows, spreadsheets, and more
Share, view, and edit documents directly inside Mattermost thanks to a new Collabora plugin that supports several file types, including:
- OpenDocument format: .ods, .odt, .odp, .odg, and more
- Microsoft: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, and more
- Others: .txt, .csv, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg, and more
The plugin enables multiple users to edit the same files simultaneously, and all changes are automatically saved.
Many thanks to the Collabora team for their great work on this!
Read more about the new Mattermost Collabora plugin.
In case you missed it. . .
Here’s some content you might want to look at:
- Mattermost 5.16: Guest accounts, a new Plugin Marketplace, faster installation on desktops, and more
- Effective messaging is the key to successful remote productivity
- 7 steps to ChatOps for enterprise teams
- 5 tips for automating DevOps workflows
- Using bots to increase ChatOps efficiency
- 7 ways to speed up your build cycle
- Mattermost guest accounts: Collaborate with people outside your organization while retaining control and privacy
Thank you to our contributors
a-arias, A-Hilaly, a8uhnf, aaronrothschild, abadojack, abdusabri, abelharisov, aeomin, AGMETEOR, agnivade, agusl88, akantsevoi, akpark, akshaychhajed, aladhims, ali-farooq0, amyblais, ananichev, anchepiece, andresoro, anindha, aqche, arjitc, asaadmahmood, avasconcelos114, bensooraj, boonwj, bradjcoughlin, brewsterbhg, bryanculver, catalintomai, cedrickring, chahat-arora, chikei, ChrisDobby, chuttam, cinlloc, codevbus, comharris, cpanato, cpoile, crspeller, CSBatchelor, dailos2coders, DaKeiser, deanwhillier, dedifferentiator, der-test, devinbinnie, DHaussermann, dnguy078, drekar, DropNib, enahum, esethna, FlaviaBastos, gabrieljackson, gfelixc, gigawhitlocks, goku321, gruceqq, grundleborg, guigui64, gupsho, hahmadia, hanzei, hector2, hectorskypl, HelioStrike, heowc, hmhealey, hypnoglow, iDevoid, imavroukakis, imisshtml, iomodo, isacikgoz, italolelis, iwataka, jairojj, jasminexie, jasonblais, jatinjtg, JeewhanR, jesperhansen17, jespino, jfrerich, jkl5616, joebordes, johnthompson365, jordeguevara, jorgeruvalcaba, josephk96, JosephSamela, joshuabezaleel, jozuenoon, JtheBAB, justinegeffen, jwilander, kaakaa, karanrn, karlmarxlopez, kashifsoofi, Kaya_Zeren, kethinov, kgeorgiou, larkox, laurapareja, Lena, levb, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, LK4D4, lucianomagrao, Lumexralph, lurcio, malaDev, manland, marianunez, mauricio, MayMeow, mbluemer, meilon, Menelion, mgdelacroix, mhartenbower, mickmister, migbot, mistikel, mjthomp95, mkraft, mlongo4290, Mrigank11, Muscaw, Mycobee, nfriend, nicnicknicky, niklabh, njkevlani, octoquad, oksmelnik, pbitty, Pensu, phillipahereza, Phizzard, pikami, Pomyk, pqzx, pradeepmurugesan, ptisserand, pushkyn, raghuiamsingh, RajatVaryani, reflog, rfoyard, rodcorsi, rohanjulka19, rv404674, sahilsharma011, SamWolfs, sascha-andres, saturninoabril, sbishel, scottleedavis, sdesani, SezalAgrawal, shahbour, Sheshagiri, simonfrey, simross, sourabkumarkeshri, sowmiyamuthuraman, srkgupta, steevsachs, stefan-malcek, streamer45, stylianosrigas, sudheerDev, svelle, tgkouras, thekiiingbob, thePanz, ThiefMaster, tpaschalis, uhlhosting, Vaelor, valentijnnieman, vdepatla, VictorAvelar, wget, wiersgallak, willdot, Willyfrog, wyze, xrav3nz
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Enterprise E10 and E20
Mattermost Enterprise E10 and E20 are commercial versions of Mattermost designed for high-trust organizations and include upgrade and installation support. For more information on features and pricing, visit mattermost.com/pricing.