Mattermost v5.39 is now available
This new release includes bug fixes for increased stability and some important notices for upcoming product changes and events.
Mattermost v5.39 is generally available today and includes multiple bug fixes for increased stability (see changelog for more details).
All Editions
- Looking ahead to the general availability of Collapsed Reply Threads
- Preparing for Mattermost v6.0 coming in October
- Plugin Updates: GIF Commander, Webex
- Upcoming Mattermost Community Events
Looking ahead to general availability of Collapsed Reply Threads
We appreciate all the incredible feedback the Mattermost community has provided about Collapsed Reply Threads since launching in beta in Mattermost Cloud and Self-Managed v5.37 and later. With mobile support recently released, we are moving closer to promoting the feature into general availability.
If you’re using Collapsed Reply Threads, we highly recommend upgrading to v5.39 to take advantage of the latest bug fixes and enhancements. Please also join us in the ~Collapsed Reply Threads channel on our community workspace to report issues and share feedback about the beta.
Learn more about the general availability of Collapsed Reply Threads.
Preparing for Mattermost v6.0 coming in October
A new major version of Mattermost is planned for release next month! We are very excited about this release, which will significantly expand the scope of use cases covered by Mattermost. Additionally, the release will feature a refreshed user interface that will make the Mattermost experience more intuitive and useful for both users and admins.
Mattermost v6.0 will include the promotion of multiple features to generally available — including Archived Channels, Compliance Exports, Custom Terms of Service, Guest Accounts, mmctl, Additional System Admin Roles, and Plugins. Select features will be deprecated with this version. Please see this blog post for more details.
Please plan a bit of extra time to test and apply this exciting upgrade. With the release of a major version, longer migration times can be expected; see this migration analysis for more details on expected timeframes. Also, nodes from v5.x cannot run with v6.x nodes in a cluster, meaning that a High Availability upgrade is not possible when upgrading to Mattermost v6.0. Please see this forum post for details.
For the most optimal experience, we recommend upgrading to version 5.0 of the Desktop App, which will also be released in October. Previous versions of the desktop application will still be backwards compatible. Mattermost native Mobile applications will also be backwards compatible with the Mattermost v6.0 updates. We do, however, recommend testing any custom-built apps with server v6.0 before releasing to production.
As always, we are committed to ensuring the best possible experience for you and your organization. We will support v5.37 released in July as our last Extended Support Release (ESR) for Mattermost version 5.x. This ESR will reach end of life in April 2022, giving you ample time to plan for your upgrade to this new version.
Plugin updates
Webex 1.2
A new version of the Webex plugin is available in the marketplace with some fixes. Additionally, there is a new setting for handling Meeting URLs that may improve the experience for users running Linux clients. It is available by clicking Main Menu
then Marketplace
and searching for webex
GIF Commander 2.1
GIF Commander is a popular plugin that makes messaging more fun by making it easy to insert animated GIFs into Mattermost messages. Previously, the plugin didn’t generate attributions clearly enough for Giphy to authorize “production API keys” for use with the plugin. There are some additional small fixes detailed in the release. It is available by clicking Main Menu
then Marketplace
and searching for GIF
as an administrator.
Upcoming Mattermost Community Events
We have quite a few Community events upcoming in the next few weeks. Please look us up if you are at any of these upcoming conferences:
- Katie Wiersgalla, Sr. Manager, Product Management & PJ Hagerty, Senior Developer Advocate, will be speaking at Kansas City Developers Conference in Kansas City, Missouri, which takes place September 15-17
- Corey Hulen, CTO, will be speaking and we’ll have our Community Team at Open Source Summit in Seattle, Washington, which takes place September 27-30
- PJ Hagerty, Senior Developer Advocate, will speak at the DevOpsTO October meetup on October 6 (virtually)
- We’ll be sponsoring KubeCon/CNCF in Los Angeles, California, which takes place October 12-15
Also, Hacktoberfest planning has begun; look for tickets marked Help Wanted
and Hacktoberfest
in every Mattermost repository. We are excited about this year’s event and look forward to working with contributors! Please watch for more information detailing the event coming soon.
Thank you to our contributors
Thanks for all community contributions this month and, in particular, our v5.39 Most Valued Professional (MVP), Rutam Prita Mishra, who contributed 40 doc updates for our Docathon 2021. Thank you for your continued contributions, Rutam Prita Mishra!
aaronrothschild, adammorawski1, Adovenmuehle, aeomin, agarciamontoro, AGMETEOR, agnivade, amirmoyousefi, amyblais, amynicol1985, anurag6713, arjitc, ArmanChand, asaadmahmood, ashishbhate, AshishDhama, asimsedhain, aspleenic, BenCookie95, BenLloydPearson, calebroseland, chenilim, chikei, chitramdasgupta, cobenash, coltoneshaw, cpanato, cpoile, crspeller, ctlaltdieliet, cvockrodt, cwarnermm, dbpolito, deanwhillier, devinbinnie, DeviousLab, DjMagicFingers, Duaard, elyscape, emilyacook, enahum, enelson720, engineereng, ewwollesen, fksu, flynbit, Francois-D, furqanmlk, gabrieljackson, gigawhitlocks, gozeloglu, gruceqq, haalcala, haardikdharma10, hahmadia, hanzei, harshilsharma63, hectorskypl, hmhealey, icelander, iomodo, isacikgoz, it33, ivanaairenee, jadrales, jamiehurewitz, jasonblais, jayaddison-collabora, jespino, jfrerich, Johennes, johnsonbrothers, josephbaylon, JtheBAB, jufab, jupenur, justinegeffen, jwilander, kaakaa, kamre, kayazeren, KobeBergmans, koox00, krutarththakkar, kscheel, larkox, LauSam09, levb, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, maisnamrajusingh, majidsajadi, maliur, manojmalik20, marianunez, mattermod, matthewbirtch, matthew.williams, metanerd, mgdelacroix, michelengelen, mickmister, migbot, mkraft, mlongo4290, mmskv, mrckndt, Mshahidtaj, nat-gunner, neallred, nevyangelova, nikolaizah, Nog-Frog, pablovelezvidal, Prassud, rbradleyhaas, redrru, rodcorsi, roopakv, rrey, Rutam21, sakaitsu, saturninoabril, Sayanta66, sbishel, Shahzayb, Shaz-25, sibasankarnayak, sonereker, spirosoik, srkgupta, stafot, streamer45, stylianosrigas, Szymongib, talesmc, thePanz, tsabi, VA2XJM, vadimasadchi, vinod-demansol, wget, WietseWind, wiggin77, Willyfrog, yedamao, YJSoft, zefhemel, Ziggiz
Upgrade to Mattermost Release 5.39
To upgrade your existing server to the new release, go here. Review the Important Upgrade Notes to make sure you are aware of any actions you need to take before or after upgrading from your particular version.
If you’re new to Mattermost, register for a 30-day trial of Enterprise Edition (E20).